File Usage Reporting Script

In retrospect on writing this Python script, I probably could have pulled it off in a short Bash script. Maybe another day. Anyway, this latest utility script of mine takes a variable number of arguments, the first being the “needle” directory. The needle directory are the files you want to check the usage on. Any additional directories listed will be considered “haystacks” and the files will be searched for any occurrence of the needle files. A report is generated so you can easily identify which files are no longer being used. I typically search my Smarty template files for occurrences of my images. Any images that aren’t referenced are typically removed from the repository promptly. Helps a lot while developing / updating existing pages will new content.

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Uses one directory as the needle and another (or more) as the haystack
# to be able to determine file usage.  The common use is to determine if
# you have any unreferenced images, css or JavaScript files.  For example,
# use the images directory as the needle and your templates directory as
# the haystack to see how many times the images are referenced.  If any
# have a count of zero, it's probably time to remove them.
# @author Josh Sherman
# @link

import os
import re
import sys

def loadFiles(path):

    # Initializes our list
    files = []

    # Loops through the files in the path
    for file in os.listdir(path):
        # Checks that the file isnt '.', '..', or '.svn'
        if re.compile('^(.{1,2}|.svn)$').match(file) == None:
            file = path + '/' + file

            # Checks if the file is a directory
            if os.path.isdir(file) == True:
                nested_files = loadFiles(file)

                # Loops through the results and appends to our list
                for nested_file in nested_files:
                # Appends the file to our list

    return files

def checkUsage(needles, haystacks):

    # Zeros out the usage list
    usage = {}

    for needle in needles:
        usage[needle] = 0

    # Loops through each haystack
    for haystack in haystacks:

        # Reads in the contents of the haystack
        file     = open(haystack, 'r')
        contents =

        # Loops through the haystacks
        for needle in needles:

            # Counts the number of times an needle occurs
            needle_count = contents.count(needle)
            if needle_count > 0:
                usage[needle] += needle_count

    return usage

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Checks if the correct arguments were passed
        argc = len(sys.argv)

        for i in range(1, argc):
            # Strips trailing slashes
            if sys.argv[i][-1] == '/':
                sys.argv[i] = sys.argv[i][0:-1]

        needle_path    = sys.argv[1]
        haystack_paths = []

        # Loops through all the passed haystack directories
        for i in range(2, argc):

        exit('Usage: ./ /path/to/needles /path/to/haystacks...')

    # Checks that the arguments are valid directories
    if os.path.exists(needle_path) == False or os.path.isdir(needle_path) == False:
        exit('Error: The specified needles path (' + needle_path + ') is not a valid directory.')

        # Loads our needle files
        needles = loadFiles(needle_path)

        # Loads our haystack files
        haystack_files = []

        for haystack_path in haystack_paths:
            if os.path.exists(haystack_path) == False or os.path.isdir(haystack_path) == False:
                exit('Error: The specified haystack path (' + haystack_path + ') is not a valid directory.')


        # Extracts the root needle path
        root_needle_path = needle_path.split('/')[-1]

        # Loops through the images and replaces the full path with the root path
        temp = []
        for needle in needles:
            temp.append(root_needle_path + needle.split(root_needle_path, 1)[1

        needles = temp

        # Pulls the usage for each needle
        usage = checkUsage(needles, haystack_files)

        # Sorts the results
        items = [(v, k) for k, v in usage.items()]
        usage = [(k, v) for v, k in items]

        # Generates our usage report
        print 'File Usage Report:'
        print '=================='

        for image in usage:
            print image[1], 't', image[0]
Josh Sherman - The Man, The Myth, The Avatar

About Josh

Husband. Father. Pug dad. Musician. Founder of Holiday API, Head of Engineering and Emoji Specialist at Mailshake, and author of the best damn Lorem Ipsum Library for PHP.

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