$5 VPS Showdown – April 2018 – DigitalOcean vs. Linode vs. Vultr – West Coast Edition

This month I’m switching it up and comparing servers on the west coast,
specifically in or around the San Francisco area.

Also, I’m going back to only comparing 5 buck instances in the hope that it will
free up a bit more time in the future so I can add in some new providers!

Even though I’m switching it up, the servers are still running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
x64 and I’m spinning up 3 instances of each and averaging the results.


  DigitalOcean Linode Vultr
Location San Francisco 2 Fremont, CA Silicon Valley
RAM 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB
CPU 1 Core 1 Core 1 Core
SSD 25 GB 20 GB 25 GB
Transfer 1 TB 1 TB 1 TB

CPU Info

  DigitalOcean Linode Vultr
MHz 2066.66 2799.99 2394.45
BogoMips 4133.32 5602.31 4788.90


  DigitalOcean Linode Vultr
Time [sec] 13.21 11.78 13.14
Min [ms] 1.26 1.16 1.12
Avg [ms] 1.32 1.18 1.31
Max [ms] 3.63 1.74 9.04

Memory (Read)

  DigitalOcean Linode Vultr
Time [sec] 51.66 42.55 53.70
Min [ms] 0.00 0.00 0.00
Min [ms] 0.00 0.00 0.00
Avg [ms] 4.05 3.57 10.26
Transfer [MB/sec] 1988.72 2406.55 1907. 08

Memory (Write)

  DigitalOcean Linode Vultr
Time [sec] 51.92 42.61 53.65
Min [ms] 0.00 0.00 0.00
Min [ms] 0.00 0.00 0.00
Avg [ms] 0.41 2.24 6.94
Transfer [MB/sec] 1978.28 2403.42 1910.28

File I/O

  DigitalOcean Linode Vultr
Time [sec] 1.54 2.89 4.17
Min [ms] 0.00 0.00 0.01
Min [ms] 0.05 0.14 0.22
Avg [ms] 1.86 7.61 8.50
Transfer [MB/sec] 101.73 54.15 38.18


  DigitalOcean Linode Vultr
Time [sec] 39.92 28.25 53.33
Min [ms] 2.69 2.17 2.36
Min [ms] 3.98 2.82 5.32
Avg [ms] 22.95 16.18 33.51
Transactions [req/sec] 253.60 354.06 193.76
Read/write [req/sec] 4818.44 6727.14 3681.49
Other ops [req/sec] 507.20 708.12 387.53

Speed Test

  DigitalOcean Linode Vultr
Distance [km] 2366.36 2371.43 2357.86
Latency [ms] 55.85 85.33 69.10
Download [Mbit/sec] 1264.16 422.69 721.97
Upload [Mbit/sec] 480.86 510.90 275.21

Apache Benchmark

  DigitalOcean Linode Vultr
Time [sec] 5.00 8.06 5.61
Requests per sec (mean) 2336.32 1242.58 1916.56
Time per request [ms] (mean) 499.87 805.68 560.90
Transfer rate [Kbyte/sec] 26498.25 13968.27 21657.89


The big take away from this comparison for me is that DigitalOcean is really
starting to close the gap even though Linode still seems to out perform in most

Additionally, Vultr touts having the fastest network, but DigitalOcean
absolutely crushed in both the speed test and Apache benchmarks. Not entirely
sure if it’s a testament to their west coast data center or if DigitalOcean has
improved their network since my last cross provider comparison.

As always, you need to pick the provider that is going to work best for your app
/ needs and hopefully these metrics will help you make that decision. If so, be
a dear and sign up with one (or all!) of my referral codes below. Pretty please

Also, if you’re curious about what commands I am running to generate these
metrics and/or want to run them on your server(s) or against a VPS provider I
didn’t cover this month, [grab the script][bench]!

If you have found these posts informative and helpful in searching for a new hosting provider, please consider using one of the links below when signing up:

  • DigitalOcean, new accounts receive $200 in credit (good for 60 days)
  • Linode, new accounts receive $100 in credit (also good for 60 days)
  • Vultr, new accounts also receive $100 in credit (good for only 14 days)
  • UpCloud, new accounts receive €25 in credit (yes, that’s in Euros)
Josh Sherman - The Man, The Myth, The Avatar

About Josh

Husband. Father. Pug dad. Musician. Founder of Holiday API, Head of Engineering and Emoji Specialist at Mailshake, and author of the best damn Lorem Ipsum Library for PHP.

If you found this article helpful, please consider buying me a coffee.