First off, if you’re not familiar with WorkFlowy you may want to watch this video. WorkFlowy is quite simply a list maker and based on my own usage of planning out a program / script I decided to create a script to take an exported list and convert it into a the workings of the program itself.
The script that I wrote is in PHP and only generates PHP files. I lost interest in the project, at least in the capacity of adding support for additional languages, so I took it down from my github (oh yeah, and no one was interested in the project itself ;))
At best, you can use this to take a list like this:
- My Script
- [IF] Check if file exists
- Reads the file in
- [FOREACH] Loops through the data
- [IF] Check if the data is empty
- Processes the data
- [ELSE]
- Does some other stuff
- Closes the file
- [WHILE] Just a while loop
- Increment counter
And turn it into something like this:
* My Script
// Check if file exists
if ($var == true)
// Reads the file in
// Loops through the data
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
// Check if the data is empty
if ($var == true)
// Processes the data
// Does some other stuff
// Closes the file
// Just a while loop
while ($i < 10)
// Increment counter
Assuming you’re into that, here’s the source:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>WorkFlowy Code Generator</h1>
<form action="" method="post">
<textarea name="list" rows="20" cols="100"><?php
if (isset($_POST['list']))
$items = explode("n", $_POST['list'
if (count($items) > 0)
$indents = null
$previous_spaces = null
$parenthesis = 0
foreach ($items as $item)
preg_match('/^( +)?(- )(.+)$/', $item, $matches
$spaces = strlen($matches[1
$item = trim($matches[3
$is_syntax = (strpos($item, '[') === 0
if ($item != '')
if ($indents === null)
$indents = 0
echo '<?php' . "nn"
echo '/**' . "n" . ' * ' . $item . "n" . ' */' . "nn"
if ($previous_spaces !== null)
if ($previous_spaces > $spaces)
$difference = $previous_spaces - $spaces
for ($i = 0 $i < $difference $i = $i + 2)
if ($parenthesis > 0)
echo str_repeat("t", $indents) . '}' . "nn"
elseif ($previous_spaces < $spaces)
$difference = $spaces - $previous_spaces
for ($i = 0 $i < $difference $i = $i + 2)
if ($parenthesis > 0)
echo $indent_string . '}' . "nn"
$indent_string = str_repeat("t", $indents
if ($is_syntax)
preg_match('/^([.+])(.+)?$/', $item, $matches
$type = substr($matches[1], 1, strlen($matches[1]) - 2
$item = trim($matches[2
$type = false
if ($item != '')
echo $indent_string . '// ' . $item . "n"
if ($type != false)
switch ($type)
case 'FOR':
echo $indent_string . 'for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)' . "n" . $indent_string . '{'
case 'FOREACH':
echo $indent_string . 'foreach ($array as $key => $value)' . "n" . $indent_string . '{'
case 'IF':
echo $indent_string . 'if ($var == true)' . "n" . $indent_string . '{'
case 'ELSEIF':
echo $indent_string . 'elseif ($var == false)' . "n" . $indent_string . '{'
case 'ELSE':
echo $indent_string . 'else' . "n" . $indent_string . '{'
case 'WHILE':
echo $indent_string . 'while ($i < 10)' . "n" . $indent_string . '{'
echo "n"
$previous_spaces = $spaces
if ($parenthesis > 0)
echo '}' . "nn"
echo '?>'
<input type="submit" />