Last week I went a bit off the rails blogging about not being sure what to blog about. The original intent was to finally discuss some of my new and old musical endeavors.
I make a lot more music (and noise) than I actually end up releasing to the public. Like, decades worth of riffs, partial songs, and even full songs. This goes as far back as my first taste of stitching loops together in Acid Music, touching different bits of software along the way.
Sadly, some of these projects are probably lost to the ether. Stuff I made on Windows systems, using VSTs that are now defunct. Fortunately, I did dump many of these projects to MP3 of WAV, of varying degree of quality.
This musical journey of creation to distribution used to be hard. Digital recording equipment used to be expensive. Physical releases don’t just magically sell themselves, especially if you don’t play shows regularly. Streaming services were non-existent at some point.
Today though, you can get really far with a laptop and a small budget. Amazon is flooded with inexpensive recording interfaces, and the barrier of entry to get music on streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music is extremely low.
I’d say you don’t even need much talent to get far these days. I know, I both make and listen to a lot of garbage.
That all being said, with this low barrier of entry, I’ve been attempting to salvage some of the things I have laying around, and getting it out there for everybody to hear. Or not hear, as the case typically may be.
While I still have another project that may have some tracks see the light of day, the current set of sounds spans across three distinct musical projects:
Chaotic Resolve
Most of my creations didn’t have an artist attached to them. At the time of creation, they could have been associated with whatever primary artist I had going at the time. I briefly considered releasing things under the name “joshtronic”, but that never really felt like the right move.
I ended up going with the name “Chaotic Resolve” as I felt like it was a good description of my disparate body of work. And by good description, I mean, whatever conclusions you can draw from the name itself.
The name comes from the Plumb album that I’d say is probably one of my top 10 favorite albums (about about 100 other albums). My creations don’t necessarily fit in with Plumb, or that album, but I always liked the name, and nobody else was using it, so here we are.
Apple Music – Spotify – Amazon Music
Insecticide Lobotomy
Noise is a beautiful thing. It can be anything, it can be nothing at all.
Making noise was a fun break from being in a band. It’s cathartic, and not so serious. Some do it take it seriously, but that’s never been my thing. You can respect the art without being a pretentious neck beard about things.
I continue toy with the idea of getting back to this project. Between the lack of time, and lack of desire, it continues to seem unlikely. Even with no new material on the horizon, I have quite the body of work available, most of which is already available on and various other platforms.
Apple Music – Spotify – Amazon Music
Venus on the Rocks
This is where most of my current musical focus lies. There’s been a lot of starts and stops along the way, and this particular project with my wife could easily be considered the phoenix of at least a few other musical endeavors.
I hope there’s more to come. For now, there’s a 5 song EP that I’d consider some of our best work, separate or collectively.