How to enable multilib on Arch Linux

Even with all of the packages available in the Arch User Repository (AUR) it
wouldn’t be Arch if I didn’t run into a scenario where I needed to install something from another repository other than the ones that I had enabled out of the box.

The package in question would be the Steam client.

Even though I do the majority of my Steam gaming on the Steam Deck, there are a handful of games that I prefer to play on the computer.

I believe the reason that Steam requires the additional multilib repository to
be enabled is due to it needing to use 32-bit libraries, which aren’t available
by default on Arch Linux.

Not a big deal though, all you need to do is edit the /etc/pacman.conf file
with your favorite text editor, remove the comments from a few lines, and then

First, open the file (as a super user):

% vim /etc/pacman.conf

Then look for the line [multilib], for me, it was on line 90, but YMMV. Remove the comments from that line, and the line below it, so it goes from this:

#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

To this:

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Save the file and exit your text editor, and then you can run pacman to get
things all updated with the new repository:

% pacman -Syyu

Then you are ready to be able to install packages from the multilib universe:

% pacman -S steam
Josh Sherman - The Man, The Myth, The Avatar

About Josh

Husband. Father. Pug dad. Musician. Founder of Holiday API, Head of Engineering and Emoji Specialist at Mailshake, and author of the best damn Lorem Ipsum Library for PHP.

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