WorkFlowy: Adventures in Text Parsing

First off, if you’re not familiar with WorkFlowy you may want to watch this video. WorkFlowy is quite simply a list maker and based on my own usage of planning out a program / script I decided to create a script to take an exported list and convert it into a the workings of the program itself.

The script that I wrote is in PHP and only generates PHP files. I lost interest in the project, at least in the capacity of adding support for additional languages, so I took it down from my github (oh yeah, and no one was interested in the project itself ;))

At best, you can use this to take a list like this:

- My Script
  - [IF] Check if file exists
  - Reads the file in
  - [FOREACH] Loops through the data
    - [IF] Check if the data is empty
      - Processes the data
    - [ELSE]
      - Does some other stuff
  - Closes the file
  - [WHILE] Just a while loop
    - Increment counter

And turn it into something like this:


 * My Script

// Check if file exists
if ($var == true)

// Reads the file in

// Loops through the data
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
    // Check if the data is empty
    if ($var == true)
        // Processes the data
        // Does some other stuff

// Closes the file

// Just a while loop
while ($i < 10)
    // Increment counter


Assuming you’re into that, here’s the source:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <h1>WorkFlowy Code Generator</h1>
        <form action="" method="post">
            <textarea name="list" rows="20" cols="100"><?php
                if (isset($_POST['list']))
                    $items = explode("n", $_POST['list'

                    if (count($items) > 0)
                        $indents		 = null
                        $previous_spaces = null
                        $parenthesis	 = 0

                        foreach ($items as $item)
                            preg_match('/^( +)?(- )(.+)$/', $item, $matches

                            $spaces = strlen($matches[1
                            $item   = trim($matches[3

                            $is_syntax = (strpos($item, '[') === 0

                            if ($item != '')
                                if ($indents === null)
                                    $indents = 0
                                    echo '<?php' . "nn"
                                    echo '/**' . "n" . ' * ' . $item . "n" . ' */' . "nn"
                                    if ($previous_spaces !== null)
                                        if ($previous_spaces > $spaces)
                                            $difference = $previous_spaces - $spaces

                                            for ($i = 0 $i < $difference $i = $i + 2)

                                                if ($parenthesis > 0)
                                                    echo str_repeat("t", $indents) . '}' . "nn"
                                        elseif ($previous_spaces < $spaces)
                                            $difference = $spaces - $previous_spaces

                                            for ($i = 0 $i < $difference $i = $i + 2)
                                            if ($parenthesis > 0)
                                                echo $indent_string . '}' . "nn"

                                    $indent_string = str_repeat("t", $indents

                                    if ($is_syntax)
                                        preg_match('/^([.+])(.+)?$/', $item, $matches

                                        $type = substr($matches[1], 1, strlen($matches[1]) - 2
                                        $item = trim($matches[2
                                        $type = false

                                    if ($item != '')
                                        echo $indent_string . '// ' . $item . "n"

                                    if ($type != false)
                                        switch ($type)
                                            case 'FOR':
                                                echo $indent_string . 'for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)' . "n" . $indent_string . '{'

                                            case 'FOREACH':
                                                echo $indent_string . 'foreach ($array as $key => $value)' . "n" . $indent_string . '{'

                                            case 'IF':
                                                echo $indent_string . 'if ($var == true)' . "n" . $indent_string . '{'

                                            case 'ELSEIF':
                                                echo $indent_string . 'elseif ($var == false)' . "n" . $indent_string . '{'

                                            case 'ELSE':
                                                echo $indent_string . 'else' . "n" . $indent_string . '{'

                                            case 'WHILE':
                                                echo $indent_string . 'while ($i < 10)' . "n" . $indent_string . '{'


                                    echo "n"

                                    $previous_spaces = $spaces

                        if ($parenthesis > 0)
                            echo '}' . "nn"

                        echo '?>'

            <input type="submit" />
Josh Sherman - The Man, The Myth, The Avatar

About Josh

Husband. Father. Pug dad. Musician. Founder of Holiday API, Head of Engineering and Emoji Specialist at Mailshake, and author of the best damn Lorem Ipsum Library for PHP.

If you found this article helpful, please consider buying me a coffee.