Author: Josh Sherman
Where to find your Amplitude API key
On multiple occasions, I’ve needed to look up an Amplitude API key, and for the life of me, struggled to find it. I feel dumb every time. I’ve even argued with Chat GPT on the matter, as the LLM tried to tell me the wrong place to find the key. It doesn’t help that there…
Failed to create sink input: sink is suspended on Arch Linux
I do a pretty good job of keeping my Arch Linux installation up to date. What I don’t do a great job of is reading all of the important news and messages that scroll on by when I do. Generally, this isn’t a problem, but it did bite me recently. After a full upgrade, I…
Switch to previous checked out git branch
I jump between git branches pretty regularly, doing so from the command-line pretty exclusively. When I need to switch to another branch, I’ve always just checked it out. I even have a nice little alias, gco to save from needing to type out git checkout. Don’t really remember what I was researching at the time,…
VPS Showdown – March 2025 – DigitalOcean vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
With spring already upon us (meteorological, not quite astronomical) it was time for me to shake things up a bit with these posts. This month, my curiosity led me including UpCloud yet again. I also opted to drop the averaged metrics in favor of spinning up just a single instance, and reporting on it as…
Operation failed saving settings in Bird Lover Feeder app
There’s no shortage of tech gadgets out there. There’s also no shortage of low quality apps to support these gadgets. One such garbage app is the Bird Lover Feeder app, which tries it’s best to support the Video Bird Feeder by Sharper Image. Overall the app does what it’s supposed to do. Of course, the…
How to move the first element to the end in JavaScript
It’s been years since I last created a carousel for a web site. Fortunately, things are a ton easier than I remember then being back in the day. Many days spent trying to get things just right, only to find that it didn’t work, or worse, didn’t fail gracefully in Internet Explorer. This go around,…
How to Show Full Timestamps, Including Seconds, with the ls Command
I’d say of all of the command-line applications I use, ls is in the top slot. So much so, that I have it wired up to run every time I change directories with cd. Recently, I wanted to get some further insight to time a file was last modified. Easy enough, slap -l to get…
VPS Showdown – February 2025 – DigitalOcean vs. Linode vs. Vultr
After the last couple of months of comparing all of the nuanced instances available from DigitalOcean and Vultr, I decided to just keep things simple, and stick to comparing the the “regular” instances from everybody. If nothing else, it feels unfair to Akamai Linode to compare their always consistently priced $5 offering to these higher…
New Old Tunes
Last week I went a bit off the rails blogging about not being sure what to blog about. The original intent was to finally discuss some of my new and old musical endeavors. I make a lot more music (and noise) than I actually end up releasing to the public. Like, decades worth of riffs,…
Overwritten and Underinspired
I’ve been in a weird place with my blog as of late. I’m in a dry spell of running into technical problems to solve and discuss. Probably just jinxed it, but it’s been a few months since Arch Linux has given me much grief. My coding endeavors, inside of work and out, have been mostly…