Author: Josh Sherman

  • Why work so hard to stay at the bottom?

    Not a day goes by that I see a headline about the need for a minimum wage increase. I read about staged sit-ins, protests and boycotts. I see people investing a ton of time and energy to remain the lowest paid workers in the country. I generally keep my political…

  • Difference between break; and continue; in PHP

    The topic of break and continue came up the other day and I thought it would make for a good blog post. You’re probably familiar with break moreso than continue because it is part of a switch statement’s syntax. Both break and continue can also be used inside of looping…

  • Tabs vs. Spaces: I’m switching sides

    It’s not very often that I make a drastic change to my coding style but after using tabs for my entire life, I am making the switch to spaces. My go to defense for using tabs was that they are more flexible because they allow developers to choose their own…

  • PHP without fancy braces

    PHP is a C-style language and thus uses fancy braces to wrap or hug control structures. PHP is also a language that is extremely flexible so you can also get by without using fancy braces. You will never get away from them entirely as functions and classes / class methods…

  • Review: Sprint WeGo

    A few months back when I picked up a Nexus 5 for myself, I decided to go ahead and get our 7-year-old daughter the Sprint WeGo phone. For those that are not familiar with the device, it’s a very basic telephone that comes standard with some great parental features. These…

  • Debugging SimpleXML Objects with PHP

    SimpleXML is pretty much the de facto standard for dealing with XML in PHP. The biggest problem with SimpleXML is that it is a pseudo-object that you can’t print_r() or var_dump() to see what’s going on. I recently ran into a situation where it would have been super nice to…

  • Tools of the Trade – 2014

    It was February 18th, 2011, a week before my 30th birthday that my answers to AppSumo’s Tools of the Trade questionnaire were posted. A metric shit ton has changed since then – new jobs, new hardware, new software. At the same time, some things never change. This post is the…

  • Parsing SOAP responses with PHP’s SimpleXML

    We recently discussed parsing XML with SimpleXML and since that writing I ran into a situation where I needed to parse a SOAP response. As it turns out, SOAP responses are a totally different beast when it comes to parsing them with SimpleXML. SOAP responses contain namespaces on some if…

  • Self-employed cabin fever

    I was somewhat skeptical that it would happen to me, be after over a year of working for myself and by myself, it finally started to take it’s toll. I had an office so that I would have a place to go during the day to feel like I was…

  • Quitting a job you just started

    It’s happened to everyone, you just started a brand new job, probably event left a decent job for it, only to realize that the new job sucks and you absolutely hate it. It happened to me recently, I was starting to get cabin fever working for myself and decided to…