Category: Command-line Interface
GNU Screen Hotkeys vs. Tmux Hotkeys
Years ago I had finally picked up on using a terminal multiplexer as part of my day to day workflow. I started with tmux having only used screen for one off server tasks that I wanted to persist across my Internet connection taking a shit. Nothing wrong with tmux but…
Your shell aliases may be making you dumb
Maybe not, but mine definitely have been. Doubt this is a popular opinion but I’ve recently come to realization that while seemingly making me more productive, my shell aliases have the potential of making me dumb. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a big fan of shell aliases, but I’m…
Using alternate SSH ports with rsync
I live on the command-line. I also use the hell out of rsync to move files around. And because I’m paranoid / security conscious, I run sshd on an alternate port to provide an additional layer of obscurity to things. While providing me with some piece of mind, using an…
Finding which process is listening on a port
I’m known for having a lot of projects. These days I have a day job, am trying to grind out more posts a week on this blog, regularly write for, run HolidayAPI and Ginpop and am currently on the “advisor track” for Startup School with CrowdSync. This list doesn’t…
Speed up your shell prompt when using Node Version Manager
I absolutely hate using version managers like nvm and rvm. These days I don’t run any project session management like tmuxinator and tend to forget that I need to be switching Node.js versions depending on the project I am on. I know, I know… I really should get back to…
Include files in your ~/.ssh/config
Recently as I was setting up my new rig (System 76 Galago Pro, review to come, I promise) I came to realize that my SSH config, ~/.ssh/config had turned into absolute bloatware. There’s stuff in there from previous jobs and projects, stuff for servers that don’t exist anymore and worthless…
Set Vim background based on your terminal’s background color
I’ve been spending more time at the pool lately (sorry, not sorry) and I’ve found myself manually switching between a light and a dark gnome-terminal theme. This was all well and good, but my .vimrc includes set background=dark so regardless of which theme I’m using in the terminal, vim has…
Get your own dotfiles
These are my dotfiles. There are many like them, but these are mine. A lot of folks do it. They publish their dotfiles because they want other people to enjoy them. Free as in Freedom and all of that. And there’s not a damn thing wrong with that workflow. I…
How to tell if your shell is a subshell of Vim
If you’re like me, you use Vim. If you’re like me, you use :sh[ell]. If you’re like me, you forget that you used :sh and open Vim again. I’ve been getting better about it, but every once in a while I end up with 2 or 3 nested Vim processes…
Minimalist git prompt
For as long as I can remember, I have had some sort of git status as part of my shell prompt. Early on I had used the canned git prompt scripts that are floating around out there. I felt they were way too bloated with the 42-some-odd glyphs that they…