Category: Money

  • Transitioning from Google Wallet to Android Pay

    I feel like I’m in the minority among my peers. I use Google Wallet and Android Pay pretty religiously. I choose to shop at establishments that allow me to use this technology as often as possible. I ask my peers that use Android devices how they like being able to…

  • Cutting the cord on cable

    IT HAPPENED, IT FINALLY HAPPENED! I have been fighting the good fight against my wife for a while now. Why are we paying for Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime and the occasional Redbox movie on top of paying for cable? NO MORE! We are now cable free and I couldn’t be…

  • How I doubled my investment with GAW Miners Hashlets

    I can already hear the sneers of skepticism from my readers as I write this post. I know at least one person will fail to read the entire article and post some shitty comment about how GAW Miners are running a crypto-Ponzi scheme. I actually agree with them 100% but…

  • Are GAWMiners Hashlets worth it?

    I’ve only been the owner of a Hashlet from GAWMiners / ZenCloud for less than a week and I’m liking what I’m seeing thus far. My initial investment was a mere 15.99 USD for a 1MH/s Hashlet and honestly, the purchase itself was the most rocky situation. Seems with the…

  • Why work so hard to stay at the bottom?

    Not a day goes by that I see a headline about the need for a minimum wage increase. I read about staged sit-ins, protests and boycotts. I see people investing a ton of time and energy to remain the lowest paid workers in the country. I generally keep my political…

  • Bake your fees in, don’t line item them

    As a business owner, I understand that there are fees associated with running a business. There’s always a cost to doing business and those costs can generally be written off at the end of the year. Those costs are yours and in my opinion don’t always need to be revealed…

  • The Wrong Way to Save

    If you’ve ever been to a Disney theme park you’ve probably seen them. People with notebooks busting at the seams with pins, wheeling and dealing with other vacationers as well as Disney cast members. These notebooks are often filled with hundreds of pins valued at thousands of dollars, and some…