Category: Personal
Moving out of the cloud
It’s been nearly 4 years since I made the switch from a dedicated server to the cloud. It was August 15th, 2009 and I was tired of how much I was paying for a dedicated server, even considering that I was only covering half of the cost with my friend…
Apple iOS 7 Beta Review
Like many people, I went ahead and upgraded my phone to the Developer Preview of Apple’s latest iOS, version 7. Days later, I’m wondering if I will be downgrading next week because of a handful of issues that I would consider to be critical defects for my own usage. It’s…
How a kindergarten teacher impacted my life
If I were writing this at the time, it probably would have been more of a diatribe than an insightful look at how someone shaped my life. The year was 1986 and I had just finished up a short stint in Catholic school for pre-school. Kindergarten was quite a culture…
Just realized that I’ve been spending quite a bit of time in the trenches with some CSS: My Projects LESS Grid Grid is a mixin for LESS, the CSS pre-processor ( for generating custom grid systems. The goal of the project is to create a grid system that reduces the…
My departure from CrowdSavings
Figured my birthday was a good day to talk about this in a public forum. Back in October I resigned my post as CTO at in one of the most outlandish [even for me] exits I’ve been privy to. This actually all started April of 2011 when I was…
Apple Fanboy-dom – 3 month recap
Been exclusively using Apple products for my computing needs for 3 months now and figured it was time for a recap to discuss what I’ve liked and disliked thus far. Likes I’m still loving the ease of use and especially loving the way all of the devices work together and…
All it took was owning an iPhone for a week …
… to completely sway my opinion of the brand. The Friday before Father’s Day I broke down and bought a 27” iMac to replace my 4 year old Dell PC with absolutely no intention of running Linux on it. Since then, I coerced my employer to upgrade the dev team…
Dumping Android for an iPhone
This should probably be accompanied by a formal press release, but I’ve dumped my Android phone for an iPhone 4S. As of late, I’ve been comparing Android to Linux in the mid-to-late 90s. It’s great if you like to fight with your system and constantly deal with adapting to it’s…
Online Tools
I’ll admit it, I’ll fire up a web browser for some things that could easily be accomplished with php -a (or any other interactive shell that I don’t frequent). Sad part is, I typically Google it and then end up landing on the same handful of sites. In an attempt…
Movie Review: The Human Centipede 2
I don’t typically do movie reviews, but I needed to document my disgust in The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence. First off, I am a huge fan of the first Human Centipede flick. It was a total mind fuck without being a comical gore-fest. The protagonist was disconnected and absolutely…