Category: Servers / Serverless
How to Install the SQLite Module on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
SQLite is a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. The SQLite website also boasts that it is the most widely deployed SQL database engine in the world. As I’ve previously discussed, SQLite has the advantage over MySQL as it can be used as an internal session handler with PHP….
How to Install the Memcached Module on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Installing the Memcached module for PHP on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is as simple as can be. First let’s make sure we have Memcached installed: sudo apt-get install memcached On Ubuntu, the process to install the PHP module is similar to how we installed Memcached itself: sudo apt-get install php5-memcache php5-memcached…
How to Setup a LEMP Stack on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with a good ol’ LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) but in my experience, Apache doesn’t necessarily scale all that well with PHP. It’s really not Apache’s fault, the fact is that most of the time servers are configured to use the…
How to Setup a LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
It seemed fitting that the first post on PHP Avenue should be about setting up a new server with PHP. This particular post will focus on a traditional LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I also intend on writing additional posts covering the setup of a…
Getting real IP addresses using NodeBalancer and Nginx
This one’s pretty simple, but it’s not documented by Linode and most of the sites I found on Google were people ranting about a lack of documentation but failing to provide their solution. The situation is this, I’m running sites behind a Linode NodeBalancer and I want the user’s real…
PCI Compliance doesn’t like the Desktop Services Store
The Desktop Services Store (DS_Store) as you probably already know, is a file that stores some metadata about the files in a directory in the OS X. I’ve taken a look at them, they seem pretty harmless, but in the realm of PCI Compliance they are a medium risk because…
PCI Compliance and the importance of a 404 page
As you may remember from a previous post, I typically rewrite my error traffic back to / instead of having a fancy 404 page. The logic behind this is that I’d rather get my users to a page that’s functional instead of presenting them with an error page, also I’ve…
The Zen of the Server Crash
I was talking to someone last week about how I attempt to keep cool when things fall apart. I call it “the Zen of the Server Crash” and as luck would have it, everything started to fall apart that afternoon. First to go was our Internet connection at HQ….
Why you shouldn’t redirect HTTP errors back to / or how I learned to always include a favicon.ico file
I have this nasty habit of being completely dismissive of HTTP error handling by not handling 404 errors and setting the ErrorDocument in my .htaccess file to point to / (e.g. ErrorDocument 404 /). For the most part, this has never been an issue shy of needing to explain why…
Setting up a secure MySQL server on Rackspace Cloud Servers
Recently I’ve been building out dedicated MySQL servers to combat some of the shortcomings we have encountered with hosting MySQL on Rackspace Cloud Sites (commentary on this will be saved for another post). During my research on what I could do to set up the server as securely as possible…