Category: Software Development
Moving to WordPress from Jekyll
I recently told some friends that I was moving to WordPress from Jekyll. Not a surprise, the overwhelming sentiment was that hell had in fact frozen over. If you’ve followed my blog, you may remember that I’ve bounced around between WordPress and Jekyll a few times. I’ve also jumped around between GitHub, GitLab, and Cloudflare’s…
How to overwrite read-only files with vim
We can file this post into the category of “stuff I’ve known how to do for a long time, but I was shocked I hadn’t put out a post discussing it before”. If you use Vim or Neovim as much as I do, you end up touching a lot of…
How to disable the X-Mailer header with PHPMailer
Sometimes things aren’t quite as you’d expect them to be. One such case is when you try to disable the X-Mailer header with the PHPMailer library. The library itself is pretty straight forward, you instantiate the class, and then you can interact with headers as object properties as such: $mailer…
Filtering WordPress menu items
Recently I had a request come in to update the navigation on a WordPress site. The way the request was worded made me think the change to the menu needed to happen on one specific page, and not across the entire site. This created an interesting problem, as the theme…
Time zone conversion with PHP
I do not like time zones. They’ve been a fairly regular pain point in my career, especially early on. There was even a time when I built something and totally forgot that time zones existed and well, it was a mess. For the most part, time zones don’t cause me…
Schedule queries with MySQL
While researching the most performant way to delete a high volume of rows in MySQL, I happened upon some syntax that I had never heard of before. This syntax allows you to run a query on a schedule, without the need of any external code. As a rule of thumb,…
Fastify not working in Docker
I’ve been using Express since it’s inception and while I’ve never really had any issues with it, I’m also always up for messing around with something new. That something new (to me at least) is Fastify. A recent project of mine included building an extremely lightweight API to power some…
Horizontal and vertical alignment with Scriptable
While I am a huge fan of widgets on iOS, most apps miss the mark in terms of what they offer via their widgets. Because I’m not one to settle, I have been on a quest to build my own widgets so that I can get exactly what I desire….
git error: path is unmerged
While attempting to update my dotfiles locally on my MacBook Pro, I ran into a bit of a dilemma with one of my files that I had edited but never committed. Not a big deal, I can just run git stash and apply the changes again later. No such luck…
Convert a buffer to a string in Node.js
Buffers are powerful stuff. They make it easy to work with raw binary data, and streaming data can leverage them. Many third-party Node.js dependencies leverage buffers in one way or another, especially libraries dealing with data transport. So what the heck are we supposed to do with a Buffer when…