Category: VPS Showdown
VPS Showdown – January 2022 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
So 2021 was interesting. Not going to bore you with the details of my life, but I am ready to bore you with the details of the world of virtual private servers! I forgot to do my “Christmas wish list” last month as I have in the past, but it’s…
VPS Showdown – December 2021 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
Here we are, with the final VPS Showdown of 2021. We’ve seen a few changes over the course of the year in terms of product offerings. One of the most notable was the adoption of AMD EPYC processors either a standard or premium offering depending on the provider. Next year…
VPS Showdown – November 2021 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
Even though the year is drawing to a close, these showdowns continue. Nothing very exciting this month other than it seems Linode took their firewall offering out of beta and Vultr did the same with their Kubernetes offering. DigitalOcean continues to lead the pack in terms of their “managed” offerings,…
VPS Showdown – October 2021 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
Q4 is upon us! I’ve been busy moving recently, so I’ve admittedly not been as on top of the VPS news (or my Twitter account) in the last few weeks. That being said, it looks like Lightsail is not offering container hosting, which I’m assuming is a bit more inline…
VPS Showdown – September 2021 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
September, the last month of summer (in the northern hemisphere at least) but not the end of comparing a few VPS providers. Didn’t see a lot happening this month side from Vultr starting a beta period for their Kubernetes offering in a few of their data centers. As always, I’ve…
VPS Showdown – August 2021 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
It’s that time again! Been extremely busy on my end, so it’s more of the same at the moment in terms of what’s covered. Something notable that I had missed last month is that UpCloud is now offering managed database hosting along with their VPS and other products (block and…
VPS Showdown – July 2021 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
I got a few bits of feedback recently that I took into consideration before doing this month’s benchmarks. The first bit was to include some additional price points and plan types instead of just the $5 plan. The other (opposing) bit of feedback was to start including some content that…
VPS Showdown – June 2021 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
Have had some requests for some comparisons of different plans (like the dedicated CPU offerings) and different price points, but considering it’s the last month of the quarter, I figured I would just stay the course and stick to the same comparisons as I’ve done the past few months. Next…
VPS Showdown – May 2021 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
Switching things up a small bit this month. Last month, I had introduced a “$6 VPS Showdown” as a separate post alongside my existing $5 post. This was all well and good, but best as I can figure, there’s no reason to have them split out, as most folks probably…
$5 VPS Showdown – April 2021 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
This month is some what of a special one. First, DigitalOcean recently had their IPO, which helps further legitimizes them as a company. Also, this marks the first month where I’m doing both a $5 and $6 VPS Showdown. I know some of you probably want to see a comparison…