Category: VPS Showdown
VPS Showdown – June 2020 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
After a few months of without Lightsail and UpCloud, it’s time to bring them back into the fold and subsequently roll back to benchmarking on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS instead of 20.04 LTS. That said, the only provide that doesn’t support the latest and greatest version of Ubuntu is Amazon Lightsail…
VPS Showdown – Germany / Ubuntu 20.04 LTS – May 2020 – DigitalOcean vs. Linode vs. Vultr
Yes, another month’s post with less providers. For good reason though, as Ubuntu 20.04 LTS was recently released and I wanted to give it a whirl. Amazon is fairly notorious for being late to deliver new operating system releases, but the shocker was that UpCloud was also not offering up…
VPS Showdown – April 2020 – DigitalOcean vs. Linode vs. Vultr
Yes, this month’s post actually has less providers. There’s a good reason though. This month I decided to switch it up and compare some of the “CPU”-centric instances that some of the providers are touting these days. Because Lightsail and UpCloud don’t offer plans like that (not that I could…
VPS Showdown – March 2020 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
Was really hoping to get another provider into the mix for March, of even get some graphs / charts into the mix, but February really got away from me with life stuff. Been working my way up through the pricing tiers with the providers, and I’m not entirely sure when,…
VPS Showdown – February 2020 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
Expanding upon last month, this month’s VPS Showdown features another, more expensive plan, at the ~$40 mark (Vultr being the outlier as their High Frequency plans are 20% more expensive, but seemingly worth it from the sheer metrics perspective). Notable changes since last month, Vultr introduced managed load balancers for…
VPS Showdown – January 2020 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
Brand new year with a brand new VPS Showdown, and I know what you’re thinking, “Why have you not included my favorite provider into your comparisons yet”? Big reason has to do with time, while these posts have become more optimized, they still take a chunk of my time every…
VPS Showdown – December 2019 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
Figured for my final VPS Showdown of 2019, to go back to where it all began with a $10 Showdown post. Since last month, Linode has released their own flavor of “Object Storage” so I thought it would be good to start including some additional products in the overview section….
VPS Showdown – November 2019 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
Not a ton of movement since last month, other than DigitalOcean’s announcement of their memory-optimized droplets being generally available. I decided to bring things back state-side again, targeting the west coast data centers for each provider. As always, I’m using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS for the operating system and the metrics…
VPS Showdown – Singapore – October 2019 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
One of my bigger pain points with doing these comparisons is that it’s really hard to line all of the providers in the same geographical region. Things tend to be close, but there’s always an outlier (looking at you Amazon Lightsail). With that, decided this month to switch it up…
VPS Showdown – September 2019 – DigitalOcean vs. Lightsail vs. Linode vs. UpCloud vs. Vultr
September already! Linode was tangled up with StandardJS’s funding experiment. DigitalOcean added some new managed databases (still no MongoDB). Nothing else to report from the other providers, but honestly, month to month, most of the other providers don’t usually have a ton of movement. Sticking to previous months, I’m including…