Category: VPS Showdown

  • $10 Showdown: Linode vs. DigitalOcean (July 2016)

    Been a minute since my last $10 Showdown. Since then, Linode has turned thirteen and doubled the RAM offered on all of their servers for new and existing customers. This means that Linode is offering twice the RAM as DigitalOcean at the ten dollar price point! Here’s the plan overview:…

  • $10 Showdown: Linode KVM vs. DigitalOcean

    It’s been nearly 2 years since my original $10 Showdown post. In that time both Linode and DigitalOcean have launched new datacenters and made other improvements to their infrastructures. One of the most notable improvements is Linode’s migration from XEN to KVM. Let’s see how they stack up at the…

  • High Volume Showdown: Linode vs. DigitalOcean

    I’ve done quite a few of these comparison posts and I have always stuck with the inexpensive plans. I figured, what the hell, let’s see how Linode and DigitalOcean stack up when running larger, comparably priced plans! The price point for this comparison is 640$ per month or around 96¢…

  • $10 Showdown: Linode vs. DigitalOcean

    Every time I think that I’m done with this topic for a while, someone (usually Linode) drops something new on us. The latest from Linode is the addition of a 10$ a month plan which nearly puts it in line with DigitalOcean in regard to low tier pricing. Because of…

  • Linode vs. Digital Ocean, performance benchmarks

    I mentioned the in my last Linode vs. Digital Ocean post that I would be doing a performance comparison of the two in the near future and here it is! I used sysbench with some pretty basic settings to compare a 2GB server from both hosting companies. Apples to apples,…

  • Linode SSD vs. DigitalOcean

    Time for another installment of my Linode vs. DigitalOcean series. The most notable improvement this go around is on Linode’s end by offering SSD Linux servers exclusively. This had been the pain point for many as DigitalOcean has been offering this since day one and Chris Aker had made it…

  • Yet Another Linode vs. DigitalOcean Post

    This has been turning into an every 3 month thing since I originally blogged about Linode vs. DigitalOcean back in late February and then again about Linode NextGen vs. DigitalOcean in May. Not to mention when I moved out of the cloud in June when I switched to bare metal…

  • Linode NextGen vs. DigitalOcean

    A lot has happened since February when I originally blogged about Linode and DigitalOcean. First and foremost, Linode has finished rolling out their “NextGen” platform in all of it’s glory. Linode also experienced a break in to their manager that allegedly resulted in credit cards getting stolen. I say allegedly…

  • Linode vs. DigitalOcean

    I’ve been seeing a lot of these posts popping up recently and figured I’d weigh in on the matter. Since everyone seems to be including benchmarks of disk I/O and such I’ll not only omit those, but I’d like to discuss the services offered and some of my perceptions after…