Tag: Apple

  • First Impressions of the iPad from an Android fanatic

    If you don’t already know me, let me just preface this by telling you an a staunch Linux user as well as advocate, I prefer my Android phone to my wife’s iPhone and after recently giving OSX a full-time shot for a week, I’m no closer to switching. Now that…

  • So I Pre-ordered an iPad

    And God damn did this come as a surprise to most of my peers as I’m pretty adamant about my disgust for most Apple products. One thing that I found interesting was the negative feedback I’ve gotten from folks concerning the iPad. Specifically, folks are very quick to point out…

  • Firefox 3.0.1 on Mac OS X weirdness

    So I ran into an interesting problem today. A site I built (validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS level 2.1 and runs in Standards-mode instead of Quirks-mode in Internet Explorer 6.0) renders great in Firefox 3.0.3 (tested on both on Linux and Windows), Internet Explorer 6.x (tested in Wine…