Tag: Arch Linux
Unable to open GNOME settings on Arch Linux after GNOME upgrade
Often times I blog about topics because I want to make sure I have a record of an issue and how I resolved it. This is one of those times. As discussed last week, I recently made the switch from Debian to Arch Linux. The biggest draw for me was…
oci runtime error after upgrading Docker on Arch Linux
Sat down to knock out some blog posts recently and when I ran docker-compose up to get my blog up and running locally I was faced with a pretty aggressive error: % docker-compose up Starting joshtroniccom_blog_1 … Starting joshtroniccom_blog_1 … error ERROR: for joshtroniccom_blog_1 Cannot start service blog: oci runtime…
How to downgrade to the LTS Kernel on Arch Linux
I’ve been all over the place recently in regard to my love and/or hate of Arch Linux. I absolutely love the minimalism of the base install and the availability of packages. What I’m hating is that I’ve been running into some really weird system lock ups that seem to be…
Fixing an Arch Linux system that is booting into emergency mode
File this under “crap I want to document in case it happens again later”. So while in the middle of working today, my MacBook Pro running Arch Linux (recently clean installed) decided to lock up on me. Pretty sure it was Firefox Developer Edition that did it, but that’s for…
Hide title bars in GNOME Shell
GNOME Shell’s title bars are just too damn big. So big that I have been toying around with the idea of going back to a tiling window manager. TWMs like xmonad and i3 have little to no title bar. It saves space and creates a clean aesthetic. I’m not the…
Invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature) during pacman sync / install
I’ve been using Linux off and on for the last 20 years. I’m currently moving back to Arch Linux after a short stint on OS X (now MacOS). I am quite the Arch noob but I’ve been completely taken by it’s simplicity and wasn’t turned off by high barrier of…