Tag: Node.js
How to install Node.js v14.x on Ubuntu 17.04
Even though you should be considering upgrading this interim release of Ubuntu, you can still leverage the latest version of Node.js to squeak just a bit more life out of it. Follow these quick and easy steps to install Node Version Manager and Node.js v14.x on your EOL Ubuntu 17.04…
How to install Node.js v12.x on Debian and Ubuntu
Feels like barely a week goes by without a new release from the Node.js team. This past week v12.0.0 was released promising speed improvements. It’s an important release because it’s slated to become the long-term service release in October 2019 with maintenance ending April 2022. If you’re starting a brand…
Upgrade to Node.js 10.x or 11.x on Ubuntu 18.10
The latest and greatest, albeit not a long-term support release, from Canonical is here! Ubuntu 18.10, Cosmic Cuttlefish, was released this month and shipped with the current LTS version of Node.js, version 8. Actually, it’s a minor revision behind at the moment with 8.11.x being what’s available. Not that there’s…
Speed up your shell prompt when using Node Version Manager
I absolutely hate using version managers like nvm and rvm. These days I don’t run any project session management like tmuxinator and tend to forget that I need to be switching Node.js versions depending on the project I am on. I know, I know… I really should get back to…
Unique indexes with MongoDB and Mongoose
Even though I’ve been using MongoDB for the last few years, I’m still very much a noob when it comes to a lot of things. One of those things would be unique indexes. Generally speak, I interact with MongoDB three different ways: I write code that explicitly creates something with…
How to install Node.js 10 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Two days before Canonical dropped the latest and greatest long term service release of Ubuntu, the Node.js Foundation dropped the latest and greatest (and eventually long term service release) of Node.js. Due to the timing of things, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS was shipped with the current long term service release of…
How to POST to a webhook in 5 different programming languages
With the release of inbound webhooks for CrowdSync workflows last week, it seemed fitting to do a write up on how to POST to a webhook. So what is a webhook, anyway? The Wikipedia definition is that webhooks are “used-defined HTTP callbacks”. Kind of a stuffy definition if you ask…
How to install the latest version of Node.js 8 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Right on schedule, Canonical has released the latest long term service release of Ubuntu, version 18.04. This particular release is shipping with Node.js 8 which is the current long term service release of Node.js. Unfortunately, the version which shipped (8.10.0) is already a bit behind the latest version, 8.11.1 (at…
Upgrade to Node.js 8.x on Debian and Ubuntu
Not too long ago I wrote a post on how to upgrade to Node.js 8.x on Ubuntu 17.10. Post has done well but it’s generated quite a few inquiries on if it would work on other versions of Ubuntu, specifically LTS versions. This guide should work for both Debian (Wheezy,…
Configuring Jest to show code coverage for all of your files
Jest is a great tool. It’s fast, actively maintained and has been working well for us with both our front-end and back-end systems. Simply put, Jest helps us make CrowdSync better and more stable. Out of the box though, code coverage is only shown for the files that you’ve written…