Tag: Node.js
Upgrade to Node.js 8.x on Ubuntu 17.10
Ubuntu 17.10, codenamed “Artful Aardvark” was released yesterday… … with Node.js v6.11.4 #sadtrombone It could be worse though, Debian 9.x (Stretch) still ships with Node v4… but I’ll save how to remedy that for another post 😉 Now, I can’t imagine you came here to listen to me throw shade…
Setting defaults for all your SuperAgent requests
SuperAgent is an HTTP request library for both Node.js and client-side JavaScript. It’s our current choice here at CrowdSync for making requests because it’s lightweight and easy to use. Unfortunately, out of the box, it doesn’t support setting defaults on all of your requests. The simplest approach would be to…
Switching from Mac OS X back to Linux, Part 4: The Development Environment
New around here? You may want to catch up: Part 1: The Motive Part 2: The Distro Part 3: The Desktop Environment Before switching to OS X, I was running Ubuntu codename whatever and had my local system built out as close to my production environment as possible. I would…
Programming the same thing in multiple programming languages
Recently I set out on an interesting journey. I wanted to build programming libraries for my API, HolidayAPI. Some of the languages I know like the back of my hand. Others, have never even touched them before. Before you start sending me hate comment, I am fully aware of Swagger….
Node.js on the command-line
To start, let me put it out there that I’ve drank the kool-aid and have been doing a ton of hacking with Node.js (and soon enough, IO.js). I’m going to save the details for another post though. So an observation I’ve been making recently is that it seems like the…
Node.js for Web Apps? Not so much.
I’m sure I’ll catch some flak for this from the Node.js community (which does seem to be thriving) but I’m just not seeing Node.js as a viable platform for building web applications. When I say web application, I specifically mean websites. The platform seems great for building small servers and…