Tag: PHP
Convert Errors to Exceptions in PHP
I was having a conversation with a buddy of mine the other day and we got on the topic of PHP not having a very standardized error system. Now that he’s working with Python the mix of errors and exceptions in PHP is an apparent shortcoming. PHP is funny like…
Speed up PHP with APC
The Alternative PHP Cache (APC) is a PECL package that provides an opcode cache for PHP. Rasmus Lerdorf is the lead of the project along with a handful of other developers. What is an opcode cache? Before I can answer that, let’s discuss how PHP works. Because it is an…
How to Build a Leaderboard with PHP and Redis
One of biggest draws to Redis for me is the fact that it has more data structure types than just key / value. These additional data structures allow you to do some amazing things while still benefitting from being in-memory. One of the most notable ways to leverage Redis would…
Getting a User’s IP Address in PHP
Getting the IP address of a user seems like a pretty trivial task but you can’t always rely on $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]. The super global value is the most reliable source because it is extracted directly from the TCP stack but if you’re behind a load balancer that address would be that…
PHP Redis Clients
In a previous post I’ve talked about installing phpredis a PHP Extension for Redis that has to be compiled from source. But what if you’re hosting scenario doesn’t allow you to compile extensions? Well you’re in luck, in addition to the extension, there are additional client libraries out there for…
How to Install the SQLite Module on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
SQLite is a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. The SQLite website also boasts that it is the most widely deployed SQL database engine in the world. As I’ve previously discussed, SQLite has the advantage over MySQL as it can be used as an internal session handler with PHP….
How to Install the Memcached Module on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Installing the Memcached module for PHP on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is as simple as can be. First let’s make sure we have Memcached installed: sudo apt-get install memcached On Ubuntu, the process to install the PHP module is similar to how we installed Memcached itself: sudo apt-get install php5-memcache php5-memcached…
SQLite as a PHP Session Handler
Now that I’ve discussed the in-memory data stores (NoSQL if you will) let’s switch gears to a more traditional RDBMS. SQLite by definition is a software library that implement a self-contained server-less, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. It’s more important claim to fame is that it is the most widely…
Redis as a PHP Session Handler
Redis is one of my favorite key-value stores, the range of data types alone make it a must have in any developer”s tool belt. Another great use for Redis is as your session handler in PHP. The optional persistence that Redis provides makes it a better option than using Memcached…
Memcached as a PHP Session Handler
Memcached makes a semi-perfect solution for storing your PHP sessions. Why only semi-perfect? Well in Memcached’s defense, the fact that it is an in-memory data store makes it a great choice because of the speed. The negative is the lack of persistence, which makes it somewhat less desirable. What this…