Tag: PHP
Command-Line PHP
PHP is a powerful scripting language but did you know it can be used from the command-line as well? Using PHP from the CLI has many applications from checking what version of PHP is installed to being able to execute scripts and even check the syntax of a file. If…
Browser redirect with PHP
Within nearly every web site or application there is a need to redirect a user to another page. Perhaps you want to route them to a login page when they aren’t authenticated or maybe because a page moved and you want to take them to the new location. To accomplish…
How to Setup a LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
It seemed fitting that the first post on PHP Avenue should be about setting up a new server with PHP. This particular post will focus on a traditional LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I also intend on writing additional posts covering the setup of a…
How I use Redis
If you know me you know that I’m a huge proponent of Redis. I started using it in mid-2011 as the storage engine for a chat system I was building for SceneKids. Over the last year and a half or so I’ve utilized Redis more and more for many other…
PHP: Built for the web
If you know me, you know I’m a pretty devout PHP coder when it comes to my own adventures in web development. I’ve been using it since version 3 (started with it in Y2K) and in using it that long, I’d be the last person to say that it’s a…
Recursive PHP Lint-inator
Just cleaning up a repository at work and came across a script I haven’t used in forever, a script to lint all PHP files in a directory, recursively. Expect something more stimulating soon as I found out the hard way that tumblr doesn’t seem to auto-save your posts once you’ve…
WorkFlowy: Adventures in Text Parsing
First off, if you’re not familiar with WorkFlowy you may want to watch this video. WorkFlowy is quite simply a list maker and based on my own usage of planning out a program / script I decided to create a script to take an exported list and convert it into…
Super massive content update
Gutted just about every page on the site. There’s more of a focus on trim information without a lot of BS. No more links to friend’s sites and software and shit that didn’t really matter. Rewrote / updated the text on some pages to update their accuracy and revamp based…
Smarty Function: State Drop Down
Today is the last day I will have to dig around for a drop down of states to use on a web site. I’ve finally stopped being lazy and added a Smarty function to PICKLES to allow for easy insertion of a state (50 + DC) select box. Later enhancements…
PHP Warning: Module ‘mcrypt’ already loaded
So the other day I realized that my concert spider stopped running. To my surprise I had a lot going wrong on my local machine (which runs the spider). First and foremost, MySQL wasn’t running. Still not sure why, but I manually started it to get it going. It ran…