So a while back I had gotten 3-in-1 Sodoku Garden on my cell phone because I like Sodoku even though I’m not that great at it. I figured, 3 games for the price of 1, wicked cool. Turns out one of the 3 games would later steal my heart. It went by the name “Tenpenki” and I couldn’t find anything on the interwebs about it that didn’t include the game on my cell phone. I thought to myself, “self, this would be a great project to learn PyGTK and you’d be rewarded for your efforts with a version of Tenpenki for the computer”. And it was. Funny enough though, once I got into coding my version of the puzzle game, I did some further digging on the game and I came across the Wikipedia page that completely summed up the alleged “Tenpenki”. It was called a Nonogram and it went by many names, none of which included “Tenpenki”. At this point I figured, no reason to stop just my Nonogram project just because Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection has one. And so I present to you my Nonogram Demo. It’s extremely hard due to the random puzzle generation with no regard for skill level. I also opted to use check boxes either checked or unchecked, this just adds to the confusion as you can’t mark off any cells are “definitely blank”. Expect a better version in the future.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Nonogram Demo
# This script generates a 10x10 pseudo-randomly generated Nonogram puzzle
# with hints. This is my first app in GTK since I dabbled with it when
# PHP-GTK was first released, and it's my first application in PyGTK since
# I started dabbling with Python not to long ago.
# If you're wondering what a Nanogram is, go here:
# These types of puzzles are also known as Paint by Numbers, Picross, Pixel
# Puzzles and the name that I discovered the game under, Tenpenki.
# @author Josh Sherman
# @link
import pygtk
import gtk
import random
player_on = 0
class Nonogram:
# Callback function that checks if the puzzle has been completed successfully
def callback(self, widget, correct_cell_value, total_on):
# TODO: I know globals are bad, but when returning from the callback had unexpected results (for another day!)
global player_on
player_cell_value = (0, 1)[widget.get_active()]
if player_cell_value == correct_cell_value:
# Increment the player total when they check a cell
if player_cell_value == 1:
player_on += 1
# Decrement the player total when they uncheck a cell
if correct_cell_value == 1 and player_cell_value == 0:
player_on -= 1
# Display a short message upon completion of the puzzle
if player_on == total_on:
dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(
parent = self.window,
type = gtk.MESSAGE_INFO,
buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_OK,
message_format = "You have successfully completed the NonogramnnThis demo will terminate when you click 'OK'nnCheers!n"
dialog.connect('response', lambda dialog, response: gtk.main_quit())
return player_on
# Quits the program
def delete_event(self, widget, event, data=None):
return False
# Initial logic to draw all the GUI widgets
def __init__(self, grid):
total_on = 0
player_on = 0
current_count = 0
current_col_count = []
current_row_count = []
all_col_counts = []
all_row_counts = []
# Loops through all the cells in the grid
for i in range(10):
current_count = 0
# Loops through all the cells in the row
for j in grid[i]:
# Increment the counts
if j == 1:
current_count += 1
total_on += 1
# Add the total to the list and reset
if current_count != 0:
current_count = 0
# This catches the count if the last cell isn't 0
if current_count != 0:
current_row_count = []
current_count = 0
# Loops through all the cells in the column
for j in range(10):
# Increment the counts
if grid[j][i] == 1:
current_count += 1
# Add the total to the list and reset
if current_count != 0:
current_count = 0
# This catches the count if the last cell isn't 0
if current_count != 0:
current_col_count = []
# Creates a new window
self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
# Sets the window title
self.window.set_title("Nonogram Demo")
# Sets a handler for delete_event that immediately exits GTK
self.window.connect("delete_event", self.delete_event)
# Sets the border width of the window
# Adds our main layout box
vbox = gtk.VBox(True, 0)
# Determines how much padding is necessary on the column hints
max_col_hints = 0
for i in range(10):
current_hints = len(all_col_counts[i])
if current_hints > max_col_hints:
max_col_hints = current_hints
# Pads the column hint lists
for i in range(10):
padding = max_col_hints - len(all_col_counts[i])
for j in range(padding):
all_col_counts[i].insert(0, '')
# Determines how much padding is necessary on the row hints
max_row_hints = 0
for i in range(10):
current_hints = len(all_row_counts[i])
if current_hints > max_row_hints:
max_row_hints = current_hints
# Pads the row hint lists
for i in range(10):
padding = max_row_hints - len(all_row_counts[i])
for j in range(padding):
all_row_counts[i].insert(0, '')
# Generates the column hints
for i in range(max_col_hints):
hbox = gtk.HBox(True, 0)
# Adds padding to offset the row hints
for j in range(max_row_hints):
label = gtk.Label('')
# Adds the hints
for j in range(10):
label = gtk.Label(all_col_counts[j][i])
# Generates the playing area (with row hints)
for i in range(10):
hbox = gtk.HBox(True, 0)
# Adds the row hints
for count in all_row_counts[i]:
label = gtk.Label(count)
# Generates the grid of checkboxes
for j in range(10):
button = gtk.CheckButton()
button.connect('toggled', self.callback, grid[i][j], total_on)
hbox.pack_start(button, True, True, 2)
def main():
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Generates the 10x10 grid and populates the values
Nonogram([[random.randint(0, 1) for column in range(10)] for row in range(10)])