Before you send another email, read this

Okay, that title was click bait, I know. Thing is, I wanted to get as many eyes
on this as I could and I wasn’t sure how many people I’d piss off by doing
“another boob post” or something similar to that.

Here’s the deal, my buddy Justin Davis and I have been side hustlin’ on
a project we call CrowdSync and we’ve officially launched our open

You can check out the official launch announcement here.

So WTF is CrowdSync?

CrowdSync is a tool that helps you automate repetitive tasks like dealing with
paperwork, communication and logistics with groups of people.

You could use CrowdSync like a CRM but can just as easily use it to manage your
work’s soccer league or for corralling participants for a user research project.

How’s CrowdSync work?

The gist is that you can create a workflow on CrowdSync, define some actions,
then add people to the workflow.

As folks complete steps in the workflow, they are moved through the pipeline
automatically. Add more people to the workflow and they’ll also go through the
same process!

If you’ve ever found yourself copying and pasting an email and changing a bit
of text so that you can send it to another person, you absolutely need this

But wait, there’s more!

As mentioned, we’re now in an open beta period. What that means is that
CrowdSync is going to be 100% FREE until December 1st, 2017 while we work
out any kinks.

After the beta period, the service will no longer be free and we’ll be raising
the rent to 49$/month for unlimited workflows.

Boo, hiss

It’s all good though, if CrowdSync is saving you time and money and you hit us
up before the beta period is over, you can lock into a lifetime early adopter
rate of only 19$/month!!

Even if you’re not interested in CrowdSync, I’d still really appreciate it if
you’d create a free account, kick the tires a bit and hit me up with any
feedback you may have to help us improve the product 🙂

Sign up for CrowdSync today!

Josh Sherman - The Man, The Myth, The Avatar

About Josh

Husband. Father. Pug dad. Musician. Founder of Holiday API, Head of Engineering and Emoji Specialist at Mailshake, and author of the best damn Lorem Ipsum Library for PHP.

If you found this article helpful, please consider buying me a coffee.