My 2018 Goals

Around this time last year, I decided that I would set out on an overly
ambitious adventure to be more productive and to accomplish a bunch of shit in

Things turned out pretty well, but this isn’t a recap post. I can bore you with
that after the new year 😉

So as much as I love having the big overarching goals, they tend to leave me
fatigued and somewhat unfulfilled for most of the year.

Focusing on something yearly means that the better part of the year there’s no
sense of accomplishment. That’s how I feel about it, at least.

How I’ve kept myself interested this year has been by setting smaller goals
every month. Three per month to be exact. Sometimes related to a larger goal,
sometimes something completely unrelated.

With that, this coming year I want to put the monthly goals into the foreground
so every single month I can get that little kick of satisfaction through my

For consistency’s sake, I’m going to focus on three things every month with
smaller monthly goals that will compounds into larger yearly goals.

In an completely unoriginal fashion, I’ve broken the goals into three
categories: mind, body and spirit.


I’ve transformed myself from somebody that never reads to somebody that reads
more books a year than most people read in their lifetime. Where I still
struggle is in my fiction consumption. I end up reading a ton of business books
and douchey self help / motivational crap. I want to change that.

Read 5 works of fiction every month.


Still no gym membership here, but have lost nearly 10lbs in 2017 (expect a blog
post on that in the future ;). I’d like to work on my strength in 2018 by way of
simple body weight exercises so that I’m not reliant on a gym or weights or
anything like that.

Do 1,000 reps of body weight exercises every month.


Making music used to be a huge part of my life but has fallen off over the
years. Being creative is still part of who I am and even though I am creative in
other ways, I want to get back to that musical spirit.

Write / compose one song every month.

Secondary goal would be to get the wife to single on the tracks 😉

My 2018 Goals

So that’s what I want to set out to do on a monthly basis, but how’s that look
by the end of the year? Hopefully you could handle the math, but if not:

Read 60 works of fiction.

Do 12,000 reps of body weight exercises.

Write / compose a 12 track album.

That’s what I have planned, what about you? Comment below!

Josh Sherman - The Man, The Myth, The Avatar

About Josh

Husband. Father. Pug dad. Musician. Founder of Holiday API, Head of Engineering and Emoji Specialist at Mailshake, and author of the best damn Lorem Ipsum Library for PHP.

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