Safari bug when signing up for Twitter

Wasn’t entirely sure what I was going to blog about today when a stroke of
inspiration occurred after the wife was strugglging to create a new
Twitter account for an upcoming adventure. I tried it from her computer and
everything seemed fine. She said it was because I type faster than her. She was
right, but not entirely.

I watched her try to type in her email address a few times and each time the
same thing happened. Twitter would attempt to verify the email address the
moment it noticed a delay and then if the email was invalid, it would highlight
the whole email input. Now you go to type the next letter in and the fucking
thing clears out. Frustrating to say the least.

At this point I had to give it a try, paused for a brief moment and sure as
shit, the page would inject an error about the email and highlight the field.
Tried it in Chrome, and did not experience the same thing. Definitely seems
like a Safari bug. We’re using the latest Safari on OS X Yosemite, version
8.0.6 (10600.6.3).

By far one of the most frustrating bugs I’ve seen in a while and I’m quite
shocked that a company as large as Twitter would be allowing something like
this to be on their production site. I know Twitter’s always struggled with the
onboarding process, but this is ridiculous.

Don’t believe it? Have a look:

Josh Sherman - The Man, The Myth, The Avatar

About Josh

Husband. Father. Pug dad. Musician. Founder of Holiday API, Head of Engineering and Emoji Specialist at Mailshake, and author of the best damn Lorem Ipsum Library for PHP.

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