Author: Josh Sherman

  • Side projects are not a threat

    Say it with me, side projects are not a threat. If anything, they should be viewed as a form of continuing education. Before you say anything, I’m fully aware that there are assholes out there that choose to run their side business(es) while they are on the clock. They tend…

  • Founder Falloff

    There’s too many posts out there talking about how to find a good co-founder. And perhaps if I had read them all, I wouldn’t be writing a post like this. Today I want to talk about something that I’ve been referring to as “Founder Falloff”. The situation seems to arise…

  • Confessions of a distro hopper

    Hi, I’m Josh, a born again Linux user that somehow became a distro hopper. Sadly, I’m not entirely sure when I had lost control. If you look at my track record prior to switching back from OS X last year, I had only really used two distros (Slackware and Ubuntu)…

  • You gotta get away for a while

    I’m fortunate to work for a company (Sumo) that takes bi-annual retreats. Going into the job, I had no fucking clue how important getting away from the wife and kid would be for me. These trips have continually been a time of personal growth and if nothing else, give me…

  • Finding old pending comments in Disqus

    I try to reply to each and every comment on my blog. It’s just common courtesy to my readers and I love to extend the dialog beyond the content of the post itself. Sadly though, I tend to only be diligent about replying for a week or so before starting…

  • Hide title bars in GNOME Shell

    GNOME Shell’s title bars are just too damn big. So big that I have been toying around with the idea of going back to a tiling window manager. TWMs like xmonad and i3 have little to no title bar. It saves space and creates a clean aesthetic. I’m not the…

  • $5 Showdown: Linode vs. DigitalOcean vs. Amazon Lightsail vs. Vultr – July 2017

    Damn Josh, back at it again with the VPS comparison! It’s been a little more than 6 months since my last comparison post and a lot of the recent feedback has been to refresh the data a bit more regularly. The other major bit of feedback has been to include…

  • Stop thinking, start doing

    Nothing urks me more than somebody saying they want to do something and all they are doing to accomplish it is thinking about it. Had a conversation about this with somebody recently. They want to get into selling their artwork. That’s fucking great! So I proceeded to ask if they…

  • Tortilla chip croutons

    Ever get an idea in your head, then search the web furiously under the assumption that somebody had to have done it already? That was me today. I like taco salads but I simply hate the idea of an edible bowl. I mean, am I supposed to eat it or…

  • Using goals to create habits

    Goals are absolutely worthless if they don’t help you to establish habits or virtues. That said, I love goals and consider myself somewhat of a goal-centric individual. Goals give me something to work towards and a wonderful sense of accomplishment when I achieve something I’ve set out to do. But…