Category: Productivity

  • OS detection in Vim

    OS detection in Vim

    As somebody that jumps between multiple operating systems, it’s become necessary to have OS detection in my VIm configuration. This problem isn’t new to me, as I’ve already taken strides in my dotfiles and have previously talked about OS detection in shell scripts. OS detection in Vim Vim has a function that allow you to…

  • Disabling Command+Q for macOS Terminal

    I don’t just use the command-line, I live on it. With doing some much on the CLI, I always have the Terminal app running, regardless of my host operating system. Sadly, on macOS, I do find myself accidentally hitting Command+Q from time to time, which abruptly bails me out of…

  • JQL Like Query Operator in Jira

    JQL Like Query Operator in Jira

    Jira’s query language (JQL) is a query language similar to SQL. That being said, the syntax for doing something similar to SQL’s LIKE statement is nothing like how you’d do it in SQL. While deviating from the syntax that was used for inspiration isn’t uncommon, it’s quite peculiar that the…

  • Screenshots are not documentation

    Repeat after me, “screenshots are NOT documentation”. Neither are videos, looms, or animated GIFs. Links to Google Docs or random websites, better, but not best. The aforementioned media types are often confused with real, honest to glob, documentation. When you’re asked to document something, you’re being asked to describe it….

  • Fixing missing cycle area in Logic Pro

    We’ve been spending a ton of time over the last year in Logic Pro. With 50+ songs put together, and the end goal of finally, formally releasing some material, we’ve gotten very familiar with Logic Pro and some of it’s quirks. One of my least favorite of these quirks, is…

  • How to export all photos from Google Photos

    After yet another bout of operating system soul searching, I’ve landed back on both iOS and macOS. With this transition from Android and Linux, my software needs have changed. Also the Googs has been barking about my needing to upgrade if I want to continue to store my mountain of…

  • How to get a time-based one-time password secret from a QR code

    More and more services are adopting a “can’t scan the QR code” option that reveals the secret token. Some even go as far as offering up the secret token along side of the QR code. Others present you with the QR code and nothing more. Fortunately, those services seem to…

  • Get original URL from Bitly link

    It’s been a while since I’ve actively engaged with a URL shortener, but recently I started to receive some text messages that contained Bitly links. The messages were phishing scams related to Coinbase, with a Bitly URL attached. Presumably, the link would take you to their site so you can…

  • Fixing Chrome/Chromium address bar slowness

    I’ve been back on Chrome (by way of Chromium) since earlier this year and recently, I started to experience some extreme slowness when attempting to type in the address bar. This slowness was enough for me to file this post in the “productivity” category, as it was enough for me…

  • A guide to working by the pool

    Being a Florida Man in a past life, I absolutely crave the water. Not the beach per se, I can do without the sand. I’m talking about that sea breeze, the salt in the air, and of course the angry seagulls. Being landlocked in Texas the past few years has…