Author: Josh Sherman

  • My Kombucha Smells Like Nail Polish Remover

    I’ve been keeping a batch of the booch on the counter for quite a while now. My first SCOBY was gifted to me by one of the wife’s friends and my SCOBYs rode first class in the front seat when we moved from Tampa to Austin last spring. While still…

  • The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness

    Have been asking around recently for books on personal finance. It’s a subject I’m not terrible with, but also a subject I don’t learn more about year over year. I’m sure you’re thinking, “damn, Josh must be in debt”. Not really the case aside from an auto-loan and some zero…

  • The Final Redesign

    You read that headline correctly. What you’re looking at right now is the final redesign for my blog. Nothing could be better than this. Okay, you got me. I know that there are better designs out there. Freezing my blog’s design has nothing to do with how it looks and…

  • Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big, 10th-Anniversary Edition

    Sometimes it’s great to read books when they come out, sometimes it’s better to wait. Having not read Small Giants before, I’m glad I waited until now to get to it as the 10th anniversary edition packs in a lot of additional content. Want to thank my boy Anton for…

  • The Great Gatsby

    Not too long ago, I read on Reddit of all places a post by somebody that had read The Great Gatsby for the first time. Their story was not unlike my own. A bit older, not much of a reader but trying to pick up reading more. The said that…

  • Reading Calculator

    I recently had a conversation with somebody (a few people actually) about how much time I have to put in to read as much as I do. The short answer is, a lot. The longer answer is that it really depends on the individual and how you want to approach…

  • The Girl on the Train

    For the last couple of months, the wife and I have been swapping book recommendations. It’s starting to turn into the Sherman family book club over here. The last recommendation I gave the wife, was Dark Matter: A Novel (which we both loved) so I figured it was time for…

  • 2016 Recap

    A few months back I outlined my 2017 goals and figured it would be good to touch on some of the highs and lows of the past 12 months. The biggest thing on the list from this past year is that we moved from Tampa, Florida to Austin, Texas. My…

  • Tenth Anniversary of Weeks‑a‑pizza

    For whatever reason, 10 years ago the wife and I decided to start eating pizza every night for dinner between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. We obviously like pizza. Five epic nights of pizza it is! Over the last 10 years, Weeks-a-pizza has evolved from us just being lazy and…

  • Reading List – December 2016

    Figured since I’ve read so much this year, and am planning to read a ton next year that it would be fun to start reviewing what I’ve been reading. Nothing too crazy, just some brief thoughts on the books that I’ve read over the last month or so. Hoping to…