Arrays are a great way to store / work with data. In PHP, arrays are one of the most powerful data types of available. From time to time, you need to sort an array in reverse order. Of course, PHP…
Convenience is rarely economical. Shredded cheese tends to be more expensive than a block of the same type. Pre-chopped vegetables are the same way. But when you spend that little extra, you gain that back in time that you don’t…
Like most things, you can solve this problem with a number of different approaches. Without knowing about array_rand in PHP, you could end up doing something like this to pull a random value from an array: $array = [‘one’, ‘two’,…
Now that it’s starting to get cold out, which is anything below 70 degrees here in Florida, I have began searching to find a nice warm breakfast that is quick to prepare as well as portable. I tend to just…
Prior to PHP 5.3 the act of calculating the difference between two dates was a bit more manual than it is now. By manual, I mean there wasn’t a function that existed to aid in the process if by nothing…
You may remember last December when I discussed my first impressions of the Nintendo Wii U system. Overall, I was pleased with the system with one small exception, the fact that “joshtronic” was deemed as inappropriate by the filters in…
Have you ever asked yourself, “I wonder which of these blocks of code will run faster?” I know I have and I use a very basic template for setting up these benchmarking experiments. The gist of the script is to…
I consider myself a PHP developer first and foremost. I don’t tout myself as a Pickles developer (my own framework) or a WordPress, Laravel, CakePHP, Django, Flask or Meteor developer even though I have working experience with all of them.…
The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers that are derived from the previous numbers in the sequence. The sequence starts at zero and each subsequent number is sum of the previous two numbers in the sequence. There are a…
If you know me, then you’re probably aware of my recent desire to move away from my hometown which is quite possibly just me going through a quarter-to-mid-life crisis. Before we can get the hell out of dodge, I have…