Category: Entrepreneurship

  • Stop thinking, start doing

    Nothing urks me more than somebody saying they want to do something and all they are doing to accomplish it is thinking about it. Had a conversation about this with somebody recently. They want to get into selling their artwork. That’s fucking great! So I proceeded to ask if they…

  • Striking while the iron is hot

    Right now I’m sitting in Mexico, enjoying great weather, greats friends and some great sips. Yesterday was fairly hectic with an early flight, a bit of a layover and quite the drive to get to our house for the week. BTW, I’m in Mexico on a work retreat with SumoMe…

  • It’s never too late to start tracking metrics

    Dashboard-driven development, metrics-driven development, whatever you may call it, it’s super important. I’m embarassed to that this, but after running a successful site for over four years, I didn’t have a dashboard with even the most basic of metrics like new users per day or anything insightful about the site’s…

  • Non-binary genders are complicated

    No, this post is not some rant about non-binary genders. I’m actually referring to the trials and tribulations that I went through to implement a third gender option on my social network. The title is an homage to the CSS-Tricks post titled Features Are Complicated. This isn’t some dramatization, it’s…

  • Making time for side projects

    I’m absolutely sick and tired of hearing people complain about not having any time for their side projects. Even worse is when I get asked the seemingly presumptive “how do you find for side projects when you have a family?” Rarely does that question get asked without a tone that…

  • The pros and cons of being accessible to your users

    How accessible I am to my site’s users is something that I’ve went back and forth with over the last few years. When I say “accessible” I don’t mean venturing into offline interactions or anything like that, just in regard to how I interact with the users. I tend to…

  • Domains are worthless without traffic

    If you know anything about my growth strategy for my social network, it’s that I’m expanding my platform horizontally across multiple domains and allowing each site to grow organically. This has led me down the road of being one of those guys that owns a ton of domains but has…

  • Lessons learned from sending thank you cards to my users

    I wanted to do something nice this holiday season and decided to identify some of my power users on and mail them Christmas cards and some SK stickers. The users I had selected were a mix of users that have been on the site since it launched in 2011…

  • Don’t be surprised by success

    A trio of guys recently started to get into a space that I already have sites in. Their browser extension is called Babblr and it falls into the same realm as TumbleChat which is my chat site that uses Tumblr for the login (we also run one for Twitter called…

  • The Accidental MVP

    Over the last 10 years I’ve been a single digit employee at two startups in the Tampa area and both companies had completely different approaches to product development. At The Online Outpost we build an inventory management and listing platform for eBay consignment shops (remember those?!). The product was originally…