Category: Personal
My 2020 Goals
For the last 3 years, around the week of Thanksgiving, I have put pen to paper to list out a series of goals for myself. Some health and some wealth. Not always business related, so there’s family goals and personal growth and creativity stuff in the mix as well. That…
How to fix a borked USB flash drive
So this post was supposed to be how I [yet again] fixed an issue with a USB flash drive that I use for installing Linux. The USB flash drive in question is “the blue one” that I picked up back in 2016 because I wanted to have a handful of…
How to address an envelope
Recently while dropping by my locally owned and operated UPS store, I got to overhear a question asked by an adult that appeared to be around my age. They asked the clerk where the recipient’s address was supposed to go on the envelope they were mailing. I was kind of…
Stop asking for handouts
Rarely a week goes by that I’m not hit up by somebody asking me to do them a favor. By favor, I actually mean handout. Why do I mean handout? Because favors tend to be something that can be paid back and from where I’m sitting, there’s no way for…
Unsolicited Relationship Advice
Relationships… What was it that Chris Rock said? Oh yeah. “You can be married and bored, or single and lonely.” Oh Chris, you rascal! You’re a true romantic! In month of March, sixteen years ago, I met the boy, joshtronic. I won’t bore you with all the details, but it’s…
Yoga pants and your camel toe
Yoga Pants and Your Camel Toe… it’s just not SFW! Hello, it’s thatgirljen, aka the wife, just taking over once again. Love is in the air. Happy [belated] Valentine’s Day. Now, I might have been the master-mind behind the boob post, so for those who are not personally acquainted…
What to expect when you reset your Authy account
I’ve been an Authy user for a while. I switched to it after I had lost some accounts in my Google Authenticator app when I had switched phones. This was never an issue with Authy, and on the off chance I didn’t have access to an authorized device, I was…
2018 Recap, Accomplishments, and Lessons Learned
Because I don’t feel like blogging on New Year’s Day this year, I thought it would be good to knock out a year in review post on this final Monday of the year. Recap 2018 was a transitional year of sorts for me as well as the family. For me…
My 2019 Goals
For the last couple of years I’ve done a post the weekend after Thanksgiving to outline for goals for the coming year. Last year I went pretty big with my goals, a la Grant Cardone and the 10X Rule. But this isn’t a recap post, so I’m not quite ready…
America: Our National Language
Hello, it’s thatgirljen, the wife, here again with a guest post! You might not know, but I’m a homeschooling parent. That means I get to impart all sorts of vital information and knowledge upon our kiddo. Thankfully, there’s the internet, which is great for sourcing and researching all the facts….