Category: Personal

  • Kicking the wife out of the house

    You might have read about me on a few occasions. I’m Jen aka thatgirljen, or here I think I’m lovingly referred to as the wife or the Mrs. My over-time job is being the mom, wife and partner. But enough about me. Today I wanted to share something that has…

  • Blogging too frequently

    Can you ever really blog too much? I wondered that so after my 10th anniversary post, which occurred outside of my usual Sunday or Monday posting schedule, I decided I would up my blogging frequency to three times a week. This went on for a three weeks as part of…

  • Portal at Eleven

    Eleven years ago today, Portal was released. I happened to have picked the game up a few years later, in 2009, as part of one of the many Steam sales on The Orange Box. And like many games I’ve procured during Steam (and Humble Bundle sales), it took me another…

  • Ten Year Blogiversary

    Ten. Freakin’. Years. Ten years ago today I “re-established my web presence” in the form of a blatant knock off of Daring Fireball’s design (which sadly, I couldn’t find on’s Wayback Machine) and an abomination of an 18 sentence paragraph. I was also a little over a month away…

  • How I GNOME or Why I Don’t Use a Tiling Window Manager

    You wouldn’t believe how often somebody says to me, “you should check out a tiling window manager, I think you’d really enjoy it”. I get it, I’m that guy. I still favor the command-line for everything, I use vim and GNU/Screen. I clickety clack on a mechanical keyboard. Hell, I…

  • Keeping up with what’s next

    Had an interesting conversation today with a buddy of mine. He was telling me about how he’s mastered gulp and right on cue, I asked “why not webpack”? No, I didn’t triage that into a lecture about how superior Arch Linux is or anything. Quite the opposite, I got to…

  • Coping with writer’s block

    It’s 5:55 PM on a Sunday afternoon and I am succumbing to the fact that today I have writer’s block. I don’t think it’s that I’m blocked up completely (although I am admittedly a bit constipated right now) but I have definitely hit the wall on the post I had…

  • I deleted my Facebook and here’s what happened

    Not a damned thing. Nothing bad at least. Unless you count typing a few times a day when I was trying to avoid the things I should be doing. Time heals all wounds though 😉 With that, I have never considered myself addicted to Facebook. In fact, I went…

  • So I guess that makes me a liar

    It was just over a year ago that I wrote this gem. I shouted to the world that I was done fucking around with how my blog looked and would solely focus on content creation moving forward. Indefinitely. 5ever. Then a little over a year later, I got a bug…

  • The Distrohopper, or There and Back Again

    In a town in East Texas there lived a distrohopper… To catch you up, I’m a Linux user from the mid-1990s that was hot for Slackware had a brief affair with Gentoo on an iBook before settling into the ease of Ubuntu. Then I took a tragic detour into the…