Category: Personal
Why I still use and maintain my own PHP framework
I consider myself a PHP developer first and foremost. I don’t tout myself as a Pickles developer (my own framework) or a WordPress, Laravel, CakePHP, Django, Flask or Meteor developer even though I have working experience with all of them. At the end of the day those frameworks still require…
Never run out of “firsts”
If you know me, then you’re probably aware of my recent desire to move away from my hometown which is quite possibly just me going through a quarter-to-mid-life crisis. Before we can get the hell out of dodge, I have to find the right career opportunity abroad. I’m fortunate that…
No, I will not fix your computer
I abandoned all of my seemingly witty shirts a while ago, but I’m starting to think I need to pick this one up. At the very least, the mug perhaps. It’s not because I don’t want to help people, hell my tech career started in support. It’s because the problems…
10 office pranks you should try at your own office
Before I start talking about office pranks, I want to give a shout-out to Noah Kagan for his post We Analyzed Nearly 1 Million Headlines. Here’s What We Learned post. The truth is, this post is just a list of some of the notable office pranks I’ve either orchestrated, witnessed…
Tabs vs. Spaces: I’m switching sides
It’s not very often that I make a drastic change to my coding style but after using tabs for my entire life, I am making the switch to spaces. My go to defense for using tabs was that they are more flexible because they allow developers to choose their own…
Review: Sprint WeGo
A few months back when I picked up a Nexus 5 for myself, I decided to go ahead and get our 7-year-old daughter the Sprint WeGo phone. For those that are not familiar with the device, it’s a very basic telephone that comes standard with some great parental features. These…
Tools of the Trade – 2014
It was February 18th, 2011, a week before my 30th birthday that my answers to AppSumo’s Tools of the Trade questionnaire were posted. A metric shit ton has changed since then – new jobs, new hardware, new software. At the same time, some things never change. This post is the…
Self-employed cabin fever
I was somewhat skeptical that it would happen to me, be after over a year of working for myself and by myself, it finally started to take it’s toll. I had an office so that I would have a place to go during the day to feel like I was…
Quitting a job you just started
It’s happened to everyone, you just started a brand new job, probably event left a decent job for it, only to realize that the new job sucks and you absolutely hate it. It happened to me recently, I was starting to get cabin fever working for myself and decided to…
Android Pros and Cons after 2 years with an iPhone
I recently discussed migrating to cross-platform apps in an attempt to break away from the Apple Ecosystem which was a precursor to me swapping my iPhone 4S for a Nexus 5. Now it’s time to talk about the pros and cons that I ran into by making the move. PRO:…