Category: Software Development
Recursive types and interfaces in TypeScript
When writing out a type or interface in TypeScript for something that will be fed into a recursive function you could cop out and use any or you could properly define the structure. Fortunately, both type and interface allow you to be self referential in terms of defining properties. Let’s…
Error: Cannot resolve a DOM point from Slate point
By way of recommendation (thanks Brewer), I’ve been messing around with Slate.js a ton. Such is life, I did have my fair share of issues, particularly in terms of getting it to function like a chat message input where hitting Enter will submit the form and reset it to it’s…
Resetting a Slate.js editor to an empty state
I’ve been messing with Slate.js and happen to be using it in the context of having a persistent editor on the page that can be used post from. It’s sort of like a chat’s message input, it’s always there, and when you submit it, it resets back to it’s original…
Resetting the undo/redo history of a Slate.js editor
Slate.js has some wonderful undo/redo history under the hood, by way of the React hook useMemo. Out of the box is works great, but if you want to reset your editor back to an empty state (in scenarios where the component is persistent on the page), the undo/redo history will…
Submit on enter except when shift is pressed in JavaScript
Been working on something recently where I wanted to implement a submit handler when a user hits the enter key in an input. That’s not that big of a deal, sniff out the key being pressed, and if it’s the Enter key, go ahead and execute the submit handler. Since…
Detecting modifier keys being pressed with JavaScript
Been hot on a new [old] project recently and I’ve not only been coding my ass off, but delving into some territory that I haven’t delved into as of late. The latest is in terms of determining if a modifier key has been pressed in conjunction with another key press….
Protected routes with React Router v5
React Router makes it extremely easy to define routing in your React application, but out of the box doesn’t concern itself with which routes should require authentication and which ones should now. I’ve solved this problem in a past life, using React Router v4 and looking back at the code…
Connection reset with webpack-dev-server inside Docker
After a very brief foray into using create-react-app, razzle and next.js recently, I decided that this old dog still prefers to go it alone and just build things out without the aid of frameworks and boilerplates. With that, I was quickly reminded of an issue that I’ve run into in…
Complete CI/CD pipeline with GitLab Runners
Automation is one of the best ways to improve productivity. Even as a development team of one, spending a bit of time on DevOps and improving your developer quality of life can pay off immensely. Automated tasks strip away cognitive load. No more forgetting to deploy code because the process…
Converting integers to Roman numerals with TypeScript
My buddy Robert has been seeking new opportunities in the software development realm, and recently ran into a coding challenge that I haven’t thought about in a good long time: converting an integer to Roman numeral. Now, I actually hate these kinds of brain teasers in the context of interviewing…