Tag: DevOps
How to restart an AWS ECS service
Docker containers are easily one of my favorite pieces of new technology of the last decade. They’ve immensely simplified how I work locally, no more virtual machines, no more trying to keep my local development environment and production servers in parity, and no need for command-line sloths like nvm. They’ve…
Debugging an AWS Lambda that stopped working
My wife and seed would agree that talking about AWS Lambdas are in my “big three” of things to not shut up about, along with fishing and professional wrestling. Regardless, I do love them so (both the Lambdas and the fam bam). As I’ve grown to use them more and…
Migrating from aws ecr get-login to aws ecr get-login-password
I’m not entirely sure when the change happens, but recently as I was upgrading AWS CodeBuilds to use a newer version of Ubuntu, I ran into some problems with aws ecr get-login. Without making any code changes, my build started to fail with the following: [Container] 2021/06/21 20:44:19 Running command…
Uninstalling dev dependencies with npm
While looking into some deployment issues recently, I ran into some logic that was in dire need of being refactored. The logic in the build process was installing all dependencies with npm, then removing the node_modules directory, just to install the production dependencies again. Yes, you read that right, the…
Increase memory limit for Composer
Gone are the days of stitching together disparate services in an effort to create a solid continue integration and deployment pipeline. GitLab has had it’s Runners for a while and recently GitHub stepped into the mix with their Actions offering. Because of this, using external services like Travis CI or…
Only run step for specific version with GitHub Actions
With my recent exploration of GitHub Actions, I’ve had to figure out things that I’ve already figured out with other systems like GitLab Runners and Travis CI. One such thing is conditionally running steps. For things like code coverage, I’m only interested in sending off the coverage report to the…
Moving from only syntax to rules syntax in GitLab CI/CD v13.x+
Saw a recent announcement from GitLab that the only and except syntax for GitLab CI/CD was going to be deprecated soon in the v13 release. Amendment: The only / except syntax isn’t actually being deprecated as pointed out by Jason Yavorska. It’s actually related to a template that is deprecating…
Complete CI/CD pipeline with GitLab Runners
Automation is one of the best ways to improve productivity. Even as a development team of one, spending a bit of time on DevOps and improving your developer quality of life can pay off immensely. Automated tasks strip away cognitive load. No more forgetting to deploy code because the process…
Solo developers should still do code reviews
As a single developer on a handful of projects, I’m a huge proponent for establishing systems and best practices, even if they don’t seem practical as an army of one. In the past I’ve written about making sure version control is in place even if you’re the only developer on…
Stop blaming your hosting company for downtime
I was struck with downtime last week. Linode’s Fremont data center went offline in a big way. Service was interrupted for nearly 4 hours. Did I panic? OF COURSE I DID! At first at least. Thing is, when a site of mine goes down, I just assume that I had…