Author: Josh Sherman

  • $5 Showdown: Linode vs. DigitalOcean vs. Amazon Lightsail vs. Vultr

    Updated on March 6th, 2017 since Vultr has updated their $5 offering. The data tables have been updated and the applicable sections have updates near the end of the section. Usually I wait to run fresh benchmarks on all providers, but the comments section has been blowing up about Vultr’s…

  • You may not need Oh My Zsh

    I’ve been on pursuit of less with my dotfiles. This isn’t about me hating Oh My Zsh, it’s just about relying on less code. Less code means less bugs. Less code usually means faster execution. It means more control. In turn, more control means more time researching and learning. More…

  • Survivor: A Novel

    Chuck Palahniuk is one of my favorite authors. At one time, Fight Club was one of the most important / impactful books and movies in my life. Last year, I started down the path of consuming all of Chuck’s novels. I read Choke and Lullaby, the latter being one of…

  • The 50th Law

    I figured since one of my goals for 2017 is to have a high profile Twitter feud with rapper turned actor 50 Cent (a/k/a Curtis Jackson), I should probably get to know my enemy a bit better. Loljk, just seemed like an interesting read and had some solid customer reviews…

  • My favorite tech purchase of 2016

    I know what you’re thinking. Why the hell would I be posting about my favorite tech purchase of 2016 in February of 2017? For that matter, why didn’t I include this nugget of information in my 2016 recap post? Glad you asked! The reason I waited so long is because…

  • Breaking up with Bank of America

    Today, after nearly twenty years with Bank of America (formerly Nations Bank) I gave them the boot. Was kind of sad. My relationship with BOA predates so much in my life. But all things come to an end. Except this relationship wasn’t that good. It wasn’t like the horror stories…

  • Zero to One: Notes on Startups or How to Build the Future

    Zero to One sat on my reading last all through last year. I went back and forth with reading it because I had heard so many mixed reviews on the book. I wanted to get it knocked out this year, sooner than later. Definitely ended up being sooner as the…

  • Unable to connect to WiFi in Linux

    I was on the verge of giving up on going back to Linux because of wifi issues. Things would be working fine, then after a while, I just couldn’t connect to wireless networks anymore. At one point I couldn’t connect to my home wireless but work wifi still worked fine….

  • The Divine Comedy

    I am a glutton for punishment. I had originally set out to read Dante’s Inferno as it’s on my list of books I never read in high school. Since I was able to pick up a free copy of the entire Divine Comedy on Amazon, I figured may as well…

  • Rise of the Rocket Girls: The Women Who Propelled Us, from Missiles to the Moon to Mars

    Rise of the Rocket Girls as the name suggests, is about the women (and some men) that worked at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The story chronicles the JPL from the 1940s all the way up to more modern times. I do want to mention that this book is not the…