Author: Josh Sherman

  • Super Awesome Setup Script, Yummy!

    The script better known simply as sassy was a long time coming. Every time I upgrade Ubuntu and then have crap fall apart to the point that I end up reinstalling I end up saying “Josh, if you had a script that would easily get a fresh install of Ubuntu…

  • And finally, I upgraded my hard drive (part 2)

    And so the story continues. After much difficulty installing / setting up my new hard drive, I decided to make matters worse by cloning my old Windows XP partition to one of the partitions on the new drive. After a small amount of research, I came across ntfsclone part of…

  • And finally, I upgraded my hard drive

    Was a long time coming, seeing as I purchased the 1.5TB drive back in February. Pre-upgrade I had a 500GB drive partitioned into two partitions. The 100GB partition housed Linux (Ubuntu 8.04 upgraded to 8.10 upgraded to 9.04) and the 400GB partition was Windows XP. Wait, what? To clarify, I…

  • Mass svn add script

    So I have a tendency to add a bunch of new files to a project before actually doing a commit in Subversion. It’s usually not an issue, I go through an add each new file and then finally do my commit. Welp, I’m sick of it, so I wrote a…

  • Media Temple Grid-Service… ehhh, not so much

    I’m starting to feel like I’m bitching and complaining a lot on here instead of documenting steps towards resolving issues. Today’s subject, Media Temple’s Grid-Service hosting. I personally don’t have a Media Temple account (for reference, I am currently hosting on a dedicated box with ServerBeach) but have a few…

  • Super massive content update

    Gutted just about every page on the site. There’s more of a focus on trim information without a lot of BS. No more links to friend’s sites and software and shit that didn’t really matter. Rewrote / updated the text on some pages to update their accuracy and revamp based…

  • Intel Graphics Regressions in Jaunty, say wha?

    A piece of me died after I upgraded from Ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04. Apparently, and serves me right for not reading up on it before the upgrade, the Intel Graphics drivers are completely crippled by a bug in the code. Wow, and this made it to the final release? I’m…

  • Yoville Needs To Die

    – layout: post title: I wish YoVille! would just die category: Personal — So my wife loves this ridiculous online / Facebook game called YoVille!. It’s basically a silly point system tacked onto a chat room. Even worse, it’s formal equivalent would be Animal Crossing, which I shelled out like…

  • New Feature, an RSS Feed!

    Sadly, I failed to add an RSS feed to the site when it initially launched. Even sadder, the “system” I have been developing for the last year (it’s called PICKLES and is about to make it to revision 100 in Subversion!) has a nice display module for RSS feeds, so…

  • Nintendo Wii Won’t Power On

    This is the second time this has happened to me in the last 6 weeks, my Nintendo Wii simply will not power on. No lights, no anything. The last time it happened, I unplugged everything, unplugged the power adapter from the wall and proceeded to pop the side doors off…