I did the unthinkable the other day. I attempted to upgrade my Debian home server (sherver) from Debian 10 to 11. In doing so, I fat fingered something in /etc/apt/sources.list. I then proceeded to run the usual update and upgrade…
Parameter Store only supports a limited number of character for the parameter name. As per the error message you’re presented with, Only a mix of letters, numbers and the following 3 symbols .-_ are allowed. What that error fails to…
Parameter Store has slowly become one of my favorite things about AWS. It makes it easy to share things between ECS tasks and services, and Lambdas. The parameters can be references inside of a CodeBuild buildspec file, and it’s all…
Recently, while attempting to build a Docker container, I ran into a bit of a dilemma. Upon running npm install –production I was greeted with this less than ideal error message: > @company/project-api@1.0.0 prepare > husky install sh: husky: command…
Parameter Store, part of AWS Systems Manager gives you a quick and easy way to store parameters that you’d like to use in your applications. By selecting the SecureString type, you get the added bonus of encryption for you most…
Security is important. Bastion hosts (or jump servers) are an easy way to wall off your private servers from the outside world. Improved security is always a good thing, but it isn’t always convenient. With a bastion host in place,…
By default, new columns are added to the end of a table in MySQL. This works well most of the time, but sometimes when you’re retrofitting a column into a table, you may want it to be adjacent columns closer…
After months of waiting, I finally received the MacBook Pro that I had ordered back in February. Thus far, it’s been a solid machine with crazy battery life, but not without it’s quirks. One recent quirk was with Docker Desktop.…
It’s been a long time since I wrote my original Linode vs. DigitalOcean post. The year was 2013 and it was a simpler time. Over the last [nearly] ten years, the humble post grew from being the output of my…
After yet another bout of operating system soul searching, I’ve landed back on both iOS and macOS. With this transition from Android and Linux, my software needs have changed. Also the Googs has been barking about my needing to upgrade…