Tag: Google

  • New user 2FA with Google Workspace

    New user 2FA with Google Workspace

    Onboarding new users should be simple, yet the default settings for 2-step verification (2FA) within a Google Workspace can be problematic. When you enable 2FA for an organizational unit, new users encounter an error when they first log into Google Workspace by default: Your organization’s policy requires you to enroll in 2-step verification. Please contact…

  • How to export all photos from Google Photos

    After yet another bout of operating system soul searching, I’ve landed back on both iOS and macOS. With this transition from Android and Linux, my software needs have changed. Also the Googs has been barking about my needing to upgrade if I want to continue to store my mountain of…

  • Fixing Chrome/Chromium address bar slowness

    I’ve been back on Chrome (by way of Chromium) since earlier this year and recently, I started to experience some extreme slowness when attempting to type in the address bar. This slowness was enough for me to file this post in the “productivity” category, as it was enough for me…

  • How to set the background color of a Google Chart

    As luck would have it a Google Chart I had created some time last year, which was looking great for a while, recently decided that the background color of the chart itself was going to switch from the color I had set to the default color, white. This was quite…

  • Unable to upgrade ttf-google-fonts-opinionated-git on Arch Linux

    From time to time a routine upgrade on Arch Linux ends up causing me a bit of grief. Fortunately, I do like a bit of chaos from time to time and the opportunity to solve problems is why I got into software engineering to begin with. This particular issue was…

  • Coming home to Chrome/Chromium

    Ever fearful of a return to the Internet Explorer / Micro$oft controlled landscape of the original browser wars, I’ve always tried to keep my options open and rely on more contrarian browser options. Sometimes those browsers were based on Chromium, like Brave. Other times, they used a different rendering engine,…

  • How to fix ugly Chrome window borders on Linux

    So I’m back to dabbling with Google Chrome as my main browser, backpedaling somewhat on last year’s [yet another] switch to Firefox. Technically I’m running Chromium, the less Googley version of Chrome on Linux, and Google Chrome stable on Android and Chrome OS. This isn’t a post delving into why…

  • Google Price Protection

    The of saga continues… First my phone stopped connecting to the cellular network. Then I casually reset my phone, unknowingly locking myself out of my Authy account. Then after pulling the trigger on a new phone, the Pixel 3, the Googs ran a promotion to get 200 bucks off a…

  • How to install Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp on Android today

    I must have been under a rock, but I only heard about a new Animal Crossing game this week. Then I was sad to hear that it wasn’t out yet. Then I was excited to hear that it was actually out! Circle back to being sad when I found out…

  • The death of the headphone jack

    Apple had #courage and Google is proving they can imitate just as well as they can innovate. The headphone jack is effectively dead on cell phones as I suspect other manufacturers will start to implement this “me too” design philosophy. For me personally, I’m heavily invested in a set of…