Over the last few years I’ve gotten down and dirty with MySQL’s config file, my.cnf. I read and re-read the MySQL documentation as well as any blog posts I could find on the subject. I was able to keep my…
Over the last 10 years I’ve been a single digit employee at two startups in the Tampa area and both companies had completely different approaches to product development. At The Online Outpost we build an inventory management and listing platform…
I’m sure I’ll catch some flak for this from the Node.js community (which does seem to be thriving) but I’m just not seeing Node.js as a viable platform for building web applications. When I say web application, I specifically mean…
If I were writing this at the time, it probably would have been more of a diatribe than an insightful look at how someone shaped my life. The year was 1986 and I had just finished up a short stint…
“Too many files?” is what I said in disbelief when I was having issues restoring a Linode backup a while back. I was sitting on over 10 million files after I had moved a metric shit ton of data from…
This one’s pretty simple, but it’s not documented by Linode and most of the sites I found on Google were people ranting about a lack of documentation but failing to provide their solution. The situation is this, I’m running sites…
Just realized that I’ve been spending quite a bit of time in the trenches with some CSS: My Projects LESS Grid Grid is a mixin for LESS, the CSS pre-processor (http://lesscss.org) for generating custom grid systems. The goal of the…
I’ve been seeing a lot of these posts popping up recently and figured I’d weigh in on the matter. Since everyone seems to be including benchmarks of disk I/O and such I’ll not only omit those, but I’d like to…
Figured my birthday was a good day to talk about this in a public forum. Back in October I resigned my post as CTO at CrowdSavings.com in one of the most outlandish [even for me] exits I’ve been privy to.…
As you may remember, I moved my blog (and my wife’s blog and every other site blog I have) to Tumblr. At the time, it made perfect sense. Tumblr’s platform is quite robust and they have a dedicated staff that…