Category: Command-line Interface
Switch to previous checked out git branch
I jump between git branches pretty regularly, doing so from the command-line pretty exclusively. When I need to switch to another branch, I’ve always just checked it out. I even have a nice little alias, gco to save from needing to type out git checkout. Don’t really remember what I was researching at the time,…
How to set dock icon size on macOS from the command-line
I don’t particularly love the dock on macOS. In fact, I don’t particularly like docks at all. I don’t use them to launch apps, and I find it abysmal that many macOS apps use the dock to communicate status, new messages and such. Keeping true to my vain attempts to create a consistent experience between…
How to unstow with GNU Stow
I love simple but powerful tools. Like most of the GNU packages, stow does one thing and it does it really well. What’s it do? It stows files, of course! My primary use case for GNU Stow is in my dotfiles, where I use it to install my configuration files all over my $HOME directory.…
How to determine Intel CPU generation on Linux
Late to the party, I recently heard about the voltage issues that are plaguing 13th and 14th generation Intel processors. While I don’t have many systems with Intel processors, I was still concerned, especially since my home server has started to behave a bit more erratic in the past few months. Fortunately, it seems that…
Switching to tmux windows numbered 10 and above
I try my best to not horde browser tabs. Occasionally I look up and realize that I have so many open that I now have to scroll. While I attempt to do the same with my tmux windows (and GNU screen too), there are days where I keep opening news ones, well past the 0-9…
How to delete Docker images
Still plagued by my undersized root / partition, I’ve had to learn a thing or two about freeing up disk space. Recently, after a string of adventures with containers, I came to realize that Docker stores it’s images in the root partition, by default at least. To remove the images…
Linux distro conditionals in shell script
It’s happening again. I’ve grown a bit tired of Debian, and have started to long for all the bleeding edge glory that is Arch. As this is a semi-frequent occurrence in my life, I’ve gotten pretty good at juggling distributions within my shell scripts, specifically in my dotfiles. Since each…
How to connect to Wi-Fi from the command-line on Debian
Recently I decided to try to eliminate some unnecessary wires from my home network. One of the offending items was our home server that was hard wired to one of our mesh network routers. The original thought was that by having the server wired, we’d have a more reliable connected…
Identifying large packages installed on Debian
Last week I talked about my quick fix to freeing up disk space on the root / partition of my Debian system. I also talked about potentially resizing my partitions at some point to help stave off the issue of root / filling up so quickly. Since the system is…
Free up disk space on Debian by cleaning your apt cache
The other day one of my Debian systems locked up, due to the root / partition being filled up. Kind of a “same problem, different distro” scenario as a few years back I ran into the same dilemma on Arch Linux At some point, I’ll probably bite the bullet and…