Category: Personal

  • Determining if you are passionate about something

    If you’re like me, you get excited about your ideas. You go from “TO THE MOON!” to “meh, that was so yesterday” in less time than it takes Napalm Death to play a song. That doesn’t mean we have bad ideas; actually, it probably does. It also may mean what…

  • Knowing when to quit

    A few months back I wrote a post about staying motivated by continuing streaks and how having streaks can keep you motivated even when you are struggling. Just the thought of breaking a streak, especially one that’s a few years old is terrifying. Right now, I am terrified. After two…

  • Improving my Vim experience

    I love Vim but the fact is I’ve been soul searching for a new editor because I am starting to think I am missing out on things. I decided to put together a list of issues that I have with Vim so that I can work towards imprioving my Vim…

  • Safari bug when signing up for Twitter

    Wasn’t entirely sure what I was going to blog about today when a stroke of inspiration occurred after the wife was strugglging to create a new Twitter account for an upcoming adventure. I tried it from her computer and everything seemed fine. She said it was because I type faster…

  • Wonder what’s next?

    I have been running this blog since 2013 as a way to improve my PHP as well as my writing. It has been a labor of love and I made it my goal to post at least once a week. At the start of 2015 I decided that I would…

  • Refocusing my blog’s content

    For my first post as a 34-year-old, I wanted to announce that I am refocusing my blog’s content. It’s a pivot of sorts as I have been pining over what I should focus my content on. I have noticed over the last few years of blogging that my PHP blog…

  • 5 things I learned by unliking all of my Facebook likes

    In an effort to limit my digital footprint, one of the things I am doing is not liking every fucking thing on Facebook. In addition to not liking anything moving forward, I also went back and unliked everything that I have liked over the last 3 years or so. This…

  • Life without Google

    I’ve decided that this year is going to be the year that I try to limit the amount of information I put out onto the Interwebs and hone my social presences and take back my privacy as best as I can. I’m “liking” less, I’m not going to reveal my…

  • Depth vs. duration of friendships

    This was supposed to be one of those grossly introspective posts that was originally drafted while at that “perfect” level of inebriation (somewhere on the down slope of Ballmer Peak if I had to guess 😉 Well, simply put, fuck that noise, let’s talk about friendships! This post had actually…

  • Get out of your own way

    It happens to the best of us, you’re faced with a seemingly simple problem and you can’t figure it out to save your life. On the surface it’s easy but you start to get wrapped up in hypothetical situations and premature optimization to the point that you’re completely incapacitated. It…