Tag: Apple
Switching from Mac OS X back to Linux, Part 3: The Desktop Environment
In case you missed it, here’s the story thus far: Part 1: The Motive Part 2: The Distro Before I discuss my current desktop environment, let’s rewind to 2012 before I had switched to OS X. At the time, I was running xmonad as my primary desktop environment and was…
Switching from Mac OS X back to Linux, Part 1: The Motive
This post is half a decade in the making. On June 15th, 2012 I took the plunge and switched from Linux to Mac OS X. 1,585 days later, I am writing to let you know that I have seen the error in my ways and I am back home, running…
Leveraging the power of the right-command key in OS X
Not too long ago I was singing the praises of creating hotkeys to switch between apps, a method I consider to be far superior to using CMD+TAB and having to cycle through open apps. I mentioned taking things a step further by utilizing the right-command (and/or right-option) key to reduce…
Fastest way to switch between apps
I am on an eternal quest to optimize the way I work with the computer. I do things like jacking my mouse/tracking speed all of the way up (thanks Noah). I am trying to use Zapier more because “you should never do something twice on a computer” (thanks Nat). I…
Switching from iTerm2 to Terminal
iTerm2 has been a mandatory install for me since switching back to OS X a few years ago. At that time it was superior to Terminal for my usage. Recently I asked myself, “what value does iTerm2 add can’t be accomplished with Terminal? Turns out, not enough to keep using…
Using an 11” MacBook Air for development
I do it, and I do it well. In fact, I’ve built an iOS game on it and used one exclusively without an external display while working at Sumo HQ in Austin, TX this past week. The 11” MacBook Air is a decent machine, even if you think the screen…
Switching from Spotify to Apple Music and back again
Frustrated with recent playback issues with the Spotify desktop app, I engaged in a brief love affair with Apple Music. For me, Apple Music has a ton going for it. Out of the gate, the music selection seemed more robust than Spotify. I don’t consider myself much of an audiophile…
First impressions of the new Apple TV
I’ve been a fan of the Apple TV for quite a while now. I was a bit late to the game as I only picked up a third generation unit in 2013. The unit that I am replacing today has consistently beat out the “smart” functionality of my Samsung television….
CSS :not issue in Safari on iOS9
Seems that every time that Apple releases a new version of iOS I encounter some weird rendering issue. This time around with iOS9 I encountered an issue where the full / desktop version of the site looked like it still using some of the mobile / smaller device stylings. After…
Safari bug when signing up for Twitter
Wasn’t entirely sure what I was going to blog about today when a stroke of inspiration occurred after the wife was strugglging to create a new Twitter account for an upcoming adventure. I tried it from her computer and everything seemed fine. She said it was because I type faster…