Author: Josh Sherman

  • 7 Minute Workout Review

    Part of my 2018 goals this year is to do at least 1,000 reps of body weight exercises per month. Being too lazy to do the research on what kind of exercises I should be doing and on which days, I did what any red-blooded American would do… I DOWNLOADED…

  • 2017 Year in Review

    The year was two thousand and seventeen and I made a formal decree that I would not engage in any new side projects that year. They were distracting and I already had a full plate with my existing projects as well as the goals I had laid out for myself….

  • Days until Christmas in JavaScript

    Time again for one of my holiday cop out posts 🙂 Here’s a couple of ways to calculate the number of days until Christmas: Vanilla JavaScript Math.floor((+new Date(‘2018-12-25’) – +new Date()) / 86400000) Using momentjs moment(‘2018-12-25’).diff(moment(), ‘days’) Merry Christmas!

  • VPS Showdown – December 2017 – DigitalOcean vs. Linode vs. Vultr

    It’s about that time again, folks! Based on the feedback I’ve received on previous “VPS Showdown” posts, I’ve changed a few things up! First off, I’m offering up data on both the $5 and $20 price points to paint a decent picture of how things can scale up on a…

  • Upgrade to Node.js 8.x on Debian and Ubuntu

    Not too long ago I wrote a post on how to upgrade to Node.js 8.x on Ubuntu 17.10. Post has done well but it’s generated quite a few inquiries on if it would work on other versions of Ubuntu, specifically LTS versions. This guide should work for both Debian (Wheezy,…

  • Debian is stable

    I can hear you now… “No shit Josh! Debian’s one of the most stable Linux distros [sic] they even main their main branch ‘stable’!!~!” In my quest for bleeding edge software, specifically, the latest version of Gnome, I lost sight of that simple truth. With that, Arch crashed for the…

  • My 2018 Goals

    Around this time last year, I decided that I would set out on an overly ambitious adventure to be more productive and to accomplish a bunch of shit in 2017. Things turned out pretty well, but this isn’t a recap post. I can bore you with that after the new…

  • Not all cables were created equal

    We’ve all heard the horror stories. Somebody gets a new monitor and it sorta works. Everything powers on, they get a picture but they can’t seem to get the monitor to go up to the advertised max resolution. Usually these stories go down the path of swapping cords, maybe even…

  • I am a freeloader

    There, I said it. I am a dirty fucking freeloader. At least according to one of my fairly long time subscribers to my mailing list. Seems that last week’s launch announcement about my project CrowdSync ruffled at least a couple of feathers. Thing is, I got a ton of positive…

  • Before you send another email, read this

    Okay, that title was click bait, I know. Thing is, I wanted to get as many eyes on this as I could and I wasn’t sure how many people I’d piss off by doing “another boob post” or something similar to that. Here’s the deal, my buddy Justin Davis and…