Author: Josh Sherman

  • Saying goodbye

    I didn’t cry this much when my mother passed away. For my momma dog though… I was a fucking wreck. Reason being? At first, I thought maybe just maybe it had something to do with my own emotional growth over the last few years. After an emotional day and taking…

  • Missing in Me

    One of my goals this year is to write a book… …and I’m doing a superb job of fucking it up by not prioritizing my time around writing and accomplishing this goal of mine. With that, I figured I may as well put some of my words out there, maybe…

  • Charity starts on your hard drive

    I’ve never been a charitable person. There, I said it. It’s not that I don’t care enough, it’s that I’ve always been somewhat selfish with my “hard earned dollars”. That said, this past January I read Dave Ramsay’s The Total Money Makeover and one of my main takeaways was that…

  • June Challenge: Improve Posture

    Last year I took the month of June to immerse myself in Jazz music in an attempt to find some appreciation for it. I still think jazz sucks but Jazz June has turned into a mid-year opportunity for me to challenge myself. This year, I’ve decided that I should go…

  • Just drive

    We did a thing today. We got in the car and drove to the largest Buc-ee’s in the great state of Texas. Nay! We drove to the largest Buc-ee’s on the planet Earth. Why? Why the fuck not. It’s quite interesting. Upon telling folks that we were going to take…

  • Changing personality types

    Since late 2015 and every 6 months or so after, I have been taking a Myers-Briggs test by way of 16Personalities. Can’t really remember, but I think the reason I originally took the test was because my Dave had asked me what my personality type was as a way to…

  • How to calculate Mother’s Day in JavaScript

    One of my favorite features of PHP is the strtotime function. It takes a string and gives you the equivalent time in return. Unfortunately, there’s not something similar for other languages. There are other ATTEMPTS to duplicate the function, but nothing I’ve ran into that works quite as well. With…

  • The Alchemist

    You may have noticed that I stopped doing a ton of book reviews. Down to nearly zero as of late, actually. At my reading pace this year, it was becoming overwhelming and I started to feel like I was phoning the reviews in. With that said, I recently read The…

  • Effective use of screen real estate

    I’ve been secretly judging really hard recently as I’ve been observing how people, specifically developers, use their available screen real estate. I’m a huge proponent of using 100% of my screen and like Jeff Atwood, I don’t care about having some flashy wallpaper because I don’t intend to ever see…

  • Speed Comparison: GitHub vs. GitLab (2017)

    It’s been just a bit over a year since I did my original speed comparison of GitHub and GitLab. There’s been a lot of moving and shaking from both companies over that period. Some of it has been good, like GitHub changing their pricing and private repo offering. Then there’s…