Author: Josh Sherman

  • Jazz Sucks

    I hate it, I just fucking hate it. But like most things, I’m always willing to give it another shot from time to time. June 2016 for me, will be Jazzy June. I plan to wholly emerse myself in jazz music. I’m going to listen to it, I’m even going…

  • Grilling: Gas vs. Charcoal

    I never thought that in the great state of Texas my preference to grilling with charcoal would be met with ridicule. But I guess it’s to be expected as the person handing out the shade was probably working for comission and was trying to push some more expensive grill. This…

  • Why my site doesn’t have any navigation

    Because I fucking said so, that’s why. loljk. It’s funny because this hasn’t really come up in the four or five months or so since I updated (reads: half-assed) a new layout for my site. I pined heavily over a new header. I paid somebody on Fiverr to make me…

  • Honeymoon in Austin

    Home is where the heart is and as of last Wednesday that is Austin, Texas. This isn’t our first time in the area, but after settling into our new digs, I can definitely say that we’re in love with the area. That being said, I’m fully aware that right now…

  • Goodbye Forever

    Today marks the end of my 35 year stint in Florida. Most of the time was spent in Tampa, which I consider to be a complete cesspool of vacationing degenerates. I could focus on that, but there’s no reason to. I want to leave remembering the good things. In Tampa,…

  • Using S3 to host images on a budget

    I love Amazon Web Services (AWS) but am always apprehensive about the pricing. To be fair, I probably over analyze my needs and I end up not pulling the trigger on using them. One thing I do rely on is Simple Storage Service (S3) for storing image uploads from my…

  • Make open source contributions a priority

    I get it, you got a metric shit ton of stuff going on at work and open source contributions aren’t necessarily one of them. Bet there’s a good chance you have at least one side project though. Also bet there’s a good chance that you don’t make open source contributions…

  • Speed Comparison: GitHub vs. GitLab

    There’s been quite a bit of movement in the code repository hosting space recently. Open letters have been written. Companies are attempting to capitalize on their competitor’s shortcomings. Those competitors have been improving their offerings. It’s a great time to be alive! That being said, this isn’t a post comparing…

  • Fastest way to switch between apps

    I am on an eternal quest to optimize the way I work with the computer. I do things like jacking my mouse/tracking speed all of the way up (thanks Noah). I am trying to use Zapier more because “you should never do something twice on a computer” (thanks Nat). I…

  • How to calculate Easter Sunday in Javascript

    Regardless of your religious beliefs, you are probably aware that Easter Sunday occurs on a sliding scale. This is because Easter is a moveable feast and the date is determined by a lunisolar calendar. Originally I was planning to talk about how to calculate the date of Easter in Javascript….