Author: Josh Sherman

  • Knowing when to quit

    A few months back I wrote a post about staying motivated by continuing streaks and how having streaks can keep you motivated even when you are struggling. Just the thought of breaking a streak, especially one that’s a few years old is terrifying. Right now, I am terrified. After two…

  • Detect bots and spammers with Project Honey Pot and PHP

    Project Honey Pot is one of my favorite services. They offer an API that allows you to pull information on an IP address. This comes in very handy when vetting traffic coming to your website. I discovered the service a few years back after realizing that I had some spammers…

  • Improving my Vim experience

    I love Vim but the fact is I’ve been soul searching for a new editor because I am starting to think I am missing out on things. I decided to put together a list of issues that I have with Vim so that I can work towards imprioving my Vim…

  • How to convert a string to a time with PHP

    Converting a string to a timestamp is one of my favorite things about PHP. In fact when trying to decide which language to build [HolidayAPI][holidayapi] in I couldn’t find an implementation of PHP’s strtotime() that rivaled the original. The strtotime() function takes a textual string as input and then spits…

  • Cutting the cord on cable

    IT HAPPENED, IT FINALLY HAPPENED! I have been fighting the good fight against my wife for a while now. Why are we paying for Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime and the occasional Redbox movie on top of paying for cable? NO MORE! We are now cable free and I couldn’t be…

  • Set array pointer to a specific key or value in PHP

    PHP arrays are absolutely fantastic. They hold stuff, doesn’t really matter what. The interfacing is pretty consistent and there’s a boat load of built-in array functions. What PHP lacks is the ability to set the array pointer to an arbitrary key or value. There are ways to move forward and…

  • Safari bug when signing up for Twitter

    Wasn’t entirely sure what I was going to blog about today when a stroke of inspiration occurred after the wife was strugglging to create a new Twitter account for an upcoming adventure. I tried it from her computer and everything seemed fine. She said it was because I type faster…

  • Basic page routing in PHP

    Last week we talked about setting up a local development server with PHP’s built-in web server and I mentioned that we’d delve into page routing. Routing refers to taking the URI that a person was requested, let’s say /about and routing that to the appropriate code. Sure, you could just…

  • The power of a morning routine

    After some recent research I realized that people I consider successful are generally quite scheduled. Not necessarily through their entire day, but at the very least they have a morning routine that occupies the first 90 minutes of their day. I’m going through a bit of a personal growth spurt…

  • Using PHP’s built-in web server

    I recently updated [HolidayAPI][holidayapi] to no longer use my PHP framework because I wanted the system to be easier for new developers to get up and running. Instead of including configuration files for Apache or nginx, I decided that I should just use the web server that’s baked right into…