I planned to write this post 7 hours from now, but as I sit up at 3:49am on the verge of my first vacation in 2 years and on the heels of a beta launch of the new scenekids.com, I…
CVS vs SVN, SVN vs Git, Git vs Mercurial… who fucking cares. I’ve been through my share of version control systems (CVS, Visual Source Safe, SVN, Serena PVCS and Dimensions and as of late, git) and the one thing that…
Still kicking myself over this one, last night I accidentally dropped a database instead of just the table I wanted to get rid of. Now at one point, I had nightly database backups on my server, but when I added…
It’s [was] like The Odd Couple, but not as funny. Incidentally, starting a webcomic seemed like a great idea at the time. I knew it was going to be hard to keep the content coming, so I cut some corners…
So after the public outcry that I’m a total asshole that just immediately starts yelling “RTFM you fucking n00b” based on my previous post, I decided to revisit each of my points and try to provide some helpful insight. Before…
First off, if you’re not familiar with WorkFlowy you may want to watch this video. WorkFlowy is quite simply a list maker and based on my own usage of planning out a program / script I decided to create a…
First off, you’re going to be offended by this, partially because it’s true and partially because I’m right. The reason you don’t make $80-100k (or whatever the magic number of deservingness [my word, you can’t have it] is as per…
Been a busy week, still dedicated to blogging regularly though. Decided the best way to balance out my busy weeks is to post code that I had on github but decided to pull down as I wasn’t maintaining it, and…
For nearly the last two years I’ve run a simple SMS reminder service known as ReminderWire. The site was initially built around the idea of using the built in carrier email addresses for cell phones to send the SMS messages.…
As a long time Linux user, I’m constantly trying to get people to experience all the awesome. For the most part, people are reluctant, but I’m finding that I run into one or more of the following It seems pretty…