I’m typically not the type to engage in any sort of popularity contest, especially those of which include either musical or technical ability, as it’s all so opinionated. That being said, I decided to enter something in the 10k An…
Been toying around with designing icons, specifically icons for social media websites. Got tired of trying to find a matching set of icons that included all the icons that I needed (paid or free). After redesigning the icons over at…
Thought I’d post to let everyone know what new projects I’ve launched in the last few months. Update Much?! A simple Twitter add-on site that I built for @thatgirljen to help her manage the Twitter accounts she maintains. The concept…
Since my latest Ubuntu upgrade totally hosed my machine, I decided to do a clean install instead of resolving the issues. Since my CD/DVD drive still absolutely hates me and my latest choice of CD media, I’ve had to search…
So I recently met an individual who took over a project of mine at my last job. Now let me preface this all by saying that this project that he took over was not my magnum opus or anything, just…
The game’s changing with HTML5 and I’m starting to hear the same type of comments from the mouthes of Flash developers that I’ve been hearing from COBOL developers for years. The gist of the comments is that what they use…
If you don’t already know me, let me just preface this by telling you an a staunch Linux user as well as advocate, I prefer my Android phone to my wife’s iPhone and after recently giving OSX a full-time shot…
And God damn did this come as a surprise to most of my peers as I’m pretty adamant about my disgust for most Apple products. One thing that I found interesting was the negative feedback I’ve gotten from folks concerning…
Well my car didn’t start this morning. I think it’s because of the cold (I thought 30 degree weather in Florida was illegal) but we’ll see tomorrow. Now this all happened after I had a tech support issue from my…
The end of the year is here, and there’s been quite a few things that I’ve wanted to blog about but haven’t had the motivation. First and foremost, I’m pretty sure this has been one of the best years of…